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29th May 2024

Community Planning conference highlights success of collaborative working

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Partnership has hosted an event to showcase their recent achievements and share examples of how collaborative working between partners has benefited citizens in the Borough. 

The conference, held at the Bushtown Hotel, Coleraine at the end of May, included two practical case studies, delivered in collaboration with partners in the public, private and community and voluntary sectors.

Members of the Community Planning Partnership were delighted to hear from the Chief Executive of one of our statutory partners, Grainia Long from Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

Drawing from her diverse experience across the public bodies and charities, Grainia spoke of the importance of acknowledging the journey of community planning to date and the challenges that each partner can face, but also highlighting that these are not insurmountable. 

She focussed on what can be achieved by taking a problem-solving approach, taking calculated risks, and having the appropriate experts in the room to work innovatively and creatively to overcome barriers. 

The then Mayor Councillor Steven Callaghan welcomed the progress to date saying: “Working with partners in the Borough is key to ensuring we support our communities effectively, thank you to Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Partnership for arranging this collaborative showcase event.”

Speaking on behalf of the Anti-Poverty Steering Group, Louise Scullion, Council’s Community Development Manager and Ricky Wright, CEO and founder of Vineyard Compassion provided examples of what had been achieved through collective action, including the ‘Where to Turn’ campaign and grants to assist those experiencing food or fuel insecurity or loneliness. 

Marc McGerty from Council’s Labour Market Partnership highlighted the extensive work that had been undertaken by the group. Between 2023 and 2024, the LMP has enabled 383 people to work towards achieving a qualification, with 131 gaining employment or promotion.

Community Planning Partnership Chair Councillor Dermott Nicholl and Vice Chair Vince Redmond PSNI added: “Working collaboratively with our statutory partners and action leads ensured that the day was a great success, with positive feedback from those in attendance noting that the day had left them enthused and reinvigorated about the future of community planning within the Causeway Coast and Glens area.”

For more information on support available visit:

Council’s Where to Turn leaflet can be downloaded

Pictured at the Community Planning conference in the Bushtown Hotel, Coleraine are (L-R) Elizabeth Beattie, Head of Policy and Community Planning, CCGBC; Marc McGerty; Labour Market Partnership Manager, CCGBC Louise Scullion, Community Development Manager, CCGBC; Gary Mullan, Community Planning Officer, CCGBC; Grainia Long, Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Ricky Wright, CEO and founder of Vineyard Compassion and Bebhinn McKinley, Community Planning Officer, CCGBC.

Julie Welsh, Head of Service for Community and Culture, CCGBC; Louise Clarke, Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Elizabeth Beattie, Head of Policy and Community Planning, CCGBC and Pat Mulvenna, Director of Leisure and Development, CCGBC at the Community Planning conference.

Members of the Causeway Community Planning Strategic Partnership at the Community Planning conference which took place at the Bushtown Hotel, Coleraine.

Leah Glass, Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trust; Avril Sharkey, Department for Communities; Simon Sloan, Department for Communities; Michael McCafferty, PCSP Officer, CCGBC; Liam Hinphey, Age Friendly Coordinator, CCGBC; Elizabeth Craig, Multi-Disciplinary Team; Bronagh Crory, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Roger Downey, Sport & Wellbeing Development Unit Manager, CCGBC.


10th April 2024

100 Big Lunch Vouchers available to celebrate communities and volunteers in June

Residents, groups and schools across Northern Ireland are being encouraged to come together and sign up for this year’s Big Lunch annual celebration of neighbourhood and communities in June. It’s a great way to recognise and celebrate your volunteers.

Those who register for a free Big Lunch pack at could also be in with a chance of winning one of 100 £20 shopping vouchers to help get their party started and you do not need to be a constituted group or organisation to take part.

Even if you chose to join in by bringing a few neighbours together for a cuppa, everyone is invited to join in at where they can download free resources and top tips. Pop your event on the interactive map before Friday May 10th, whether your event is a huge gathering or just a few people, you could win one of 100 £20 food vouchers.

Grainne McCloskey, Regional Manager at Eden Project Communities, the charity behind The Big Lunch, said: “Community spirit makes a huge difference in helping a neighbourhood thrive and we want to encourage everyone to join in this year in your own way. Whether it is a few neighbours gathering in a kitchen or on the street or a group celebrating its volunteers and shining a light on their progress this year, we want to hear from you. The Big Lunch can also be a great fundraiser, just download the free tools at and drop your plans for June onto the map.

“The Big Lunch is about food, friendship and fun. People are the key ingredient, and we all have something to share. Organising something simple and low-cost increases belonging and can help new neighbours feel welcome in their new community. It’s also a great way to celebrate the people who volunteer their time throughout the year to have a positive impact where they live and can also be a simple fundraiser that reaches beyond your usual group.”

The Big Lunch, an idea from Eden Project made possible by The National Lottery, and supported by Iceland The Food Warehouse and Greene King, is part of Month of Community, with organisers encouraging neighbourhoods and groups across Northern Ireland to hold a Big Lunch event to bring their community closer together, fundraise for a good cause, reduce loneliness, spend some time in a local green space or simply get to know each other better.

The winners of the food vouchers will be picked at random from all those registered on the interactive Big Lunch map but hurry and register your details as the competition closes on Friday May 10th.


13th March 2024


15th December 2023 

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Statement of Progress November 2023

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership welcome you to our third Statement of Progress. This is a local partnership of statutory and community partners all working together to improve people’s lives across the Causeway Coast and Glens area.

Gary Mullan Community Planning Officer CCGBC, Chief Inspector Vince Redmond (Temporary) Vice Chair CCGs CP Strategic Partnership, Elizabeth Beattie Head of Policy & Community Planning CCGBC and Cllr. Dermot Nicholl Chair CCGs CP Strategic Partnership

In November 2021 , the Partnership completed a review of the Community Plan 2022. This document presented the strategic framework and direction for the continued implementation of community planning within our area. To achieve successful outcomes, we once again revisited and revised our Delivery Plan 2022 to ensure that it is fit for purpose.

This Statement of Progress 2023 report provides an update of the thirty-one actions contained within our revised Delivery Plan 2022. We hope that you will be encouraged at the many successful outcomes achieved over the previous two years. Community engagement and collaborative working with a range of statutory and community partners is at the heart of what we do. Within this context we have included a selection of ‘Good News Stories’ to illustrate the impressive programmes and services being delivered within the Causeway Coast and Glens area.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those organisations and people who have been involved in our community planning work and we hope to enjoy your continued valued support.

Councillor Dermot Nicholl Chair of the Community Planning Partnership

Chief Inspector Louise Cummings (PSNI) Vice Chair

CCGs Community Planning Partnership

Statement of progress 2023

Download Statement of Progress 2023 report

11th December 2023

Homelessness Awareness Week 2023

Causeway Local Area Group

Dear all, 

To mark Homelessness Awareness Week 2023, the Housing Executive has worked in partnership with our colleagues within the Causeway Area to produce ‘Stories by the Stones’, which is a series of short films featuring local individuals talking about their own personal experiences of homelessness and also with local providers discussing the support which is available in the Causeway area.

We are pleased to share the following link to the films below;

Stories by the Stones – Homelessness Awareness Week - YouTube

Also, please find a link to a series of other short films produced by the Housing Executive to mark Homelessness Awareness Week this year.  

Homelessness Awareness Week 2023 - YouTube

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to members of the Causeway Homelessness Local Area Group for your support and contributions throughout the year. We would like to send a special thank you in particular to the individuals who contributed to the ‘Stories from the Stones’ video.

All videos have and will be shared on the Housing Executive social media channels across the week. A number of the videos are yet to be released on our social media channels and once they have been released we would welcome you to share the posts via your own organisations social media channels.

We will be in contact in due course to confirm the date of the next Causeway Area Homelessness Local Area Group and in the meantime if you have any queries please feel to contact the Homelessness Strategy inbox:


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kind regards,

Homelessness Strategy Team 


18th October 2023


18th October 2023

Attend our virtual Dementia Information Programme on Zoom

An online series of free talks and information sessions for anyone who cares for someone with dementia, has a family member or friend with dementia or anyone who has questions about dementia.

Tuesday 7 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am

What is Dementia? Dr John McIlvenna – Consultant Psychiatrist, NHSCT

Tuesday 14 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am

Disability Action – Driving Assessments

Tuesday 21 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am

Wills & Offerings Tori Neely, Alzheimer’s Society

Tuesday 28 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am

Carers Hub NI Claire Campbell, Carers Co-Ordinator, NHSCT

To book or to find out more, please phone: 07710 119366 or email:


5th September 2023

27th July 2023

Advance Care Planning Workshop - CRUN 13th September 2023

Advanced Care Planning awareness session

Wed 13th Sep during palliative care week (10-16 Sep)


CRUN Community Hub, 1 Brooke Street, Coleraine

This training is aimed at staff/volunteers in groups that will be working with members of the public. It will be facilitated by the Palliative Care Service Improvement Team, NHSCT and Compassionate Communities NI.

The DoH launched a new ACP policy in 2022 to equip and encourage any adult 18+ to start conversations around Advance Care Planning. See link to webpage and resources         

Advance Care Planning: For Now and For the Future | Department of Health (

Advance Care Planning is an umbrella term covering personal, legal, clinical, and financial planning. It is important for all adults, whatever stage of life. Although Advance Care Planning has traditionally been associated with end of life care, it goes beyond this. As well as supporting decisions in declining health and unexpected emergencies, the opportunity it provides to reflect and consider what is important to the person can enhance their quality of life. It may also provide comfort and reassurance to those important to the person.

There are many practical things people can do at any stage of life. Some things only take a few minutes eg our lives are mostly online now – if you were unwell could loved ones access banking for you, what about your social media accounts, what about pets or children – there are lots of things you could think about.

We are providing an awareness session. It will give an overview of Advance Care Planning :–

  • why it is important,
  • different areas that people can consider  
  • advice on resources that can be used if people want to start conversations
  • further learning resources and signposting for more information/support

As it is palliative care week, we will also show some new palliative resources available for those with palliative conditions including a new services directory for the public on palliative care services in the NHSCT.

For more info or to book your place, please contact:



13th July 2023

Age Friendly Focus Groups & Drop In Events - Libraries NI July/August 2023


17th May 2023

Cloonavin lights up blue for Dementia Action Week

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s headquarters at Cloonavin is lighting up blue this week, 15 -21 May to mark Dementia Action Week.

The Alzheimer’s Society is encouraging those who are concerned that they or a someone close to them may be experiencing signs of dementia to use their online symptom checker, which is accredited by Royal College of GPs.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Age Friendly Officer, Liam Hiphney has recently re-established a Dementia Working Group, bringing together a number of organisations and agencies to explore how we can work collectively to support those living with and those caring for someone with dementia.   

Mayor of Causeway Coats and Glens, Councillor Ivor Wallace said:

“Through Dementia Action Week, we want to raise awareness of dementia and to encourage those who might be living with undiagnosed dementia to understand and recognise potential symptoms, seek guidance and support, and feel empowered to take their next step.”

Aoife McMaster from Causeway Alzheimer’s Society said:

“The theme of this year’s Dementia Action Week is diagnosis. We chose the theme of diagnosis this year as there has been a sustained drop in dementia diagnosis rates. Our research found that misconceptions around memory loss, being in denial, and specialist referral times are the biggest barriers to getting people to seek a diagnosis.”

“We also offer guidance and practical advice on what next steps to take, what to expect during and after the diagnosis process, and what support Alzheimer’s Society can offer throughout.”

If you are worried about yourself, or someone close to you, then check your symptoms now at

Support and more information about a diagnosis is just a phone call or click away. Visit or call 0333 150 3456.

You can also contact the local Dementia Advisor at or 028 7035 8887.

Aoife McMaster from Causeway Alzheimers Society with Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ivor Wallace and Bebhinn McKinley, Community Planning Officer at Cloonavin



28th February 2023


Community Engagement Platform – host Health and Wellbeing Event

 Last week our Community Planning team, through the Community Engagement Platform, hosted a speed networking event which was focussed on the Health and Wellbeing theme of the Community Plan.

Over 75 people attended the event in the Lodge Hotel Coleraine. Setting the scene for the event Maurice Meehan Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Public Health Agency, and Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan Action Steering Group Lead for Health and Wellbeing, gave an overview of the journey of community planning to date together with a short insight into the recent Community Plan and Delivery Plan review completed in November 2022.  Maurice highlighted that day was an important opportunity for community and voluntary organisations attending to hear about the progress that has been made to date in each of the 9 actions which sit under the theme of Health and Wellbeing.  He also noted that it was also an opportunity for the action leads to hear from those organisations working within communities and across the Borough work that was currently being undertaken, and the issues around health and wellbeing on the ground. The session was also an opportunity for both action leads and community organisations to explore opportunities to potentially support or assist each other through collaborative working.

Maurice stated: “Today is a fantastic opportunity to enable community planning in action.  Effective community planning can only be achieved through meaningful partnership and collaborative working with the community being at the heart of our approach.”

Ann McNickle, CRUN and Co-Chair of the Community Engagement Platform, welcomed those attending and gave a synopsis of the purpose and vision of community engagement platform.  She highlighted that the purpose of the Community Engagement Platform is to provide a meaningful mechanism for engagement between public service bodies, the community planning partnership and local community representatives working together to influence decision making and improve quality service outcomes.  Ann said “It is by us all working together that we can achieve great things.  This is our community, we all live here, and we want our area to be a healthy safe community for all.”

Each table had the opportunity to hear from each of the action leads and discuss how health and wellbeing was being experienced in their area, what the current or emerging issues are and or where there may opportunities to further connect and support each other.  Finally, each table had the chance to explore how collectively we can ensure continued community planning in action and ensure the health and wellbeing actions within the community plan are addressing the needs and making a positive impact across the Borough.

Sincere thanks again to all those who attended and participated so enthusiastically and with such energy and interest.


Photograph above: Action Leads for Health & Wellbeing actions contained within the CCGs (CP) Delivery Plan Nov 2022.



    Photograph above: Community Engagement Platform Speed Networking Event.

For more information about the Community Engagement Platform please contact

Bebhinn McKinley, Community Planning Team,

or Tel: 028 276 60209

 Louise Scullion, Community Development Team,

or Tel: 028 703 47042


2nd February 2023


31st January 2023


The Fibrus Community Fund - Now Open

The fund is aimed at addressing digital poverty by awarding grants of up to £2,000 to enable local groups and organisations in particular areas, to provide access to digital technology for the most vulnerable in that community, with a particular focus on older people and young people aged 18 and under. 

 Grants of up to £2,000 are being offered to projects that address any gaps that younger and older people might face in their communities, which may include provision of access to technological devices. Constituted community organisations based in the areas outlined below can apply:

Eligible postcodes: BT22 , BT23, BT24, BT25, BT26, BT27, BT28, BT30, BT31, BT32, BT33, BT34, BT35, BT38, BT39, BT40, BT41, BT42, BT43, BT44, BT45, BT46, BT48, BT51, BT52, BT53, BT54, BT55, BT56, BT57, BT60, BT61, BT62, BT63, BT65, BT66, BT67, BT69, BT70, BT71, BT74, BT75, BT76, BT77, BT78, BT79, BT80, BT81, BT82, BT92, BT93, BT94 

The fund will close at 1:00pm on Monday 20 February 2023.

For more details visit; or contact the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland Grants and Donor Care Team on 028 9024 5927.



27th January 2023


News Release

Spike in house fire deaths and incidents prompts NIFRS fire safety appeal during ongoing winter period Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) has issued a home fire safety appeal following a spike in accidental house fire deaths and incidents. 

8 people have tragically lost their lives in house fires since November 2022. There has also been a 14% increase in incidents. Against the backdrop of the increased cost of living, NIFRS is asking the public to do all they can to keep themselves, their families and neighbours safe from fire as the high risk winter period continues.

NIFRS is urging everyone to check in on elderly relatives or neighbours to ensure they have working smoke alarms and that they are aware of the items in their home that can cause a fire and know how to use them safely– this is especially important for those in our community who live alone.

Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) Assistant Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, Aidan Jennings said:

“The thoughts and sympathies of NIFRS continue to be with the family and friends of those who have tragically lost loved ones in accidental house fires. We are acutely aware of fire safety at this time of year and we are appealing to the public to help us keep you, your families and neighbours safe by reducing the risk of fire in the home.”

You can reduce the risk of fire by following our STOP Fire message –

Smoke alarms – Make sure you have working smoke alarms in your home;
Test alarms weekly – Test your smoke alarms at least once a week;
Obvious dangers – Be aware of the items in your home that might cause a fire and ensure you’re using them safely;
Plan your escape – Have an escape plan in place if a fire does occur.

Assistant Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, Aidan Jennings continued:

“The winter months are always much busier for us and this year with the increased cost of living, we know many people will be trying to save money when heating their homes. We want to ensure people don’t put themselves at additional fire risk as a result. The most common causes of accidental fires in the home are cooking, electrics and smoking materials, however in winter months we need to also add in the fire risks associated with the increased use of open fires, stoves, portable heaters, electric blankets and candles.

“There are simple steps you can take to reduce the risk of fire in your home. Please keep warm safely- if you’re using portable heaters and electric blankets make sure they’re in good working order. Ensure you leave enough space around portable heaters so they don’t accidently set fire to soft furnishings, such as curtains, blankets or arm chairs.

“We have seen a 15% increase in chimney fires this December in comparison to last December. If you’re planning to use a fire you haven’t used in a while, make sure a suitably trained person services your chimney beforehand, use a fire guard and have a Carbon Monoxide alarm in the same room as your open fire or fuel burning stove.

“I would also urge everyone to ensure they have working smoke alarms and test them regularly. If you don’t have working alarms this will affect your ability to notice a fire and escape quickly - especially at night.

“I’d like to encourage any member of the public who is over 50, or anyone with impaired mobility or a disability to contact us to arrange a free Home Fire Safety Check. If you think someone you know might be at risk, please take time to ask them about their fire safety and if you have any concerns please get in touch with us.

“Fire prevention is at the heart of what we do at NIFRS. Please remember that we are here to support you.”

20th December 2022



Community Planning Partner Louise Clarke (Head of Place Shaping North, NIHE ) with Mark Alexander, (NIHE Causeway Area Manager ) Bebhinn McKinley (Community Planning Officer Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council)




 Mayor Cllr. Ivor Wallace (Chair of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Community Planning Partnership) and Mark Alexander, (NIHE Causeway Area Manager ).

Homelessness Awareness Week was marked by the Causeway Local Homeless Action Group at Vineyard Compassion Hope Centre this year. Across Northern Ireland, a week of events were held on the theme #HaveTheConvo and over 60 people attended the event in Coleraine. A range of groups were represented, including the Housing Executive, Triangle Floating Support, Northern Health and Social Services Trust, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Women’s Aid.

Hosts Vineyard Compassion were also joined by the Western Health and Social Services Trust, Homeless Connect, First Housing Floating Support, Simon Community, Housing Rights and the PSNI.
Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Cllr Ivor Wallace, provided the opening address at the event.
A welcome was also provided by Mark Alexander, the Housing Executive’s Causeway Area Manager, who updated delegates on the organisation’s current strategy, Ending Homelessness Together.
He outlined some of the main issues affecting the Causeway area.

After the event, Mark Alexander said: “Prevention and early intervention in relation to homelessness through multi-agency work is continuing, despite the effects of the pandemic and the economy hampering efforts to secure more accommodation for those in greatest need. This is only the second time since 2019 that we’ve been able to host discussions like this in person and it was great to interact and reconnect with the partner agencies involved on a face-to-face basis.”

Shannon Gordon from NI Youth Forum revealed her personal journey, outlining what it is like to be young and homeless.
Stories from other young homeless people were presented by Shannon via a video presentation.
Sharon Graham, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, outlined an exciting new development relating to the care and health of people who become homeless.
She revealed that each Health Trust across Northern Ireland now has a new dedicated homeless health nurse, recruited to ensure the forward health planning of those experiencing homelessness.
Powerful testimony was also provided by people who had experienced homelessness but had now found permanent homes, with the help of the Housing Executive and partner agencies.
Four people of various ages shared personal stories, giving an insight into how practices could be improved and enhanced to combat local homelessness.
It was evident from the active discussions that collaborative working was having an impact, with a clear willingness for all partner agencies to continue working together.

Ricky Wright of Vineyard Compassion said: “It was a pleasure to host this networking event at Vineyard Compassion and to reflect on how we can work together to support those experiencing homelessness.
“Discussing issues around homelessness is crucial in the campaign to respond effectively and bring about eventual change.”

For more information visit the Housing Executive’s website

15th December 2022

Winter Safety Campaign 2022

Steps to Stay Fire Safe this Winter

Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) Winter Fire Safety Campaign runs throughout December to the end of February 2023.

The aim of this campaign is to promote fire safety in the home, specifically in relation to the increased risks at this time of year.

We are particularly concerned people may try to save money by heating their homes differently as the cost of living continues to rise and, as a result, may put themselves at more risk from fire. We all have a role to play to help make sure our community stays fire safe this winter.


NIFRS website has been updated to reflect the campaign messaging, which you can find here:  or use the QR code below-


Our Corporate Communications Team will be delivering co-ordinated winter fire safety messaging through our social media platforms.
The Sparky the Elf video, which contains fire safety messages targeted towards children, will be posted on the NIFRS website and social media pages in the run up to Christmas. You can find it here:


We ask you to actively support and promote our fire safety advice and ‘like’, ‘share’ or ‘retweet’ our messages over our social media platforms, to ensure our reach is as wide as possible.
Follow our fire safety advice and check your smoke alarms are working.
Check in with family, friends and neighbours, especially those living alone, to make sure they are keeping themselves safe from fire this winter.
If you know someone who would benefit from a free Home Fire Safety Check (HFSC) please signpost them to our website, or they can phone 028 9266 4221and request a HFSC.

This winter is going to be challenging for many people due to the pressures of the increasing cost of living. I ask you to try and support our communities by actively engaging in conversations around heating homes safely.

I wish all of you and your families a safe and Happy Christmas.

STOP Fire message:

Smoke alarm - have a working smoke alarm

Test it - test it each week

Obvious dangers - know the ‘Obvious Dangers’ from fire

Plan your escape route - have an escape plan if a fire starts

Archie McKay

Group Commander Prevention & Protection

NIFRS | Northern Command

30th November 2022

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan Update

The Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan ‘A Better Future Together 2017-2030 was published in 2017 and is the key over-arching framework for partnerships and initiatives in the Causeway Coast and Glens area.

Following significant progress, reflection and review informed by our statutory partners, stakeholder engagement and public consultation the Community Plan Review (November 2022) document updates our first Community Plan. It identifies the partnership priorities and actions going forward to collectively focus and enable us to effectively respond to current context shifts as we emerge from COVID -19 and face the impacts of the current cost of living crisis.

In addition to the Community Plan Review we have completed a revised Delivery Plan. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed and helped to develop the ‘Actions’ contained within the Causeway Coast and Glens Delivery Plan November 2022. Your dedication and pro-active participation throughout this process has enabled us to produce our newly revised Delivery Plan.

Councillor Ivor Wallace, CCGBC (Chair)

Des Gartland, Invest NI (Vice Chair)

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership

November 2022

For full access to these documents, please select the links below:


 Community Plan Review 2022


24th November 2022


18th November 2022

Housing in Heritage - Putting the Heart Back in Villages

The Village Catalyst programme helps communities find new uses for old buildings that tackle rural poverty and social isolation.

Housing in Heritage - Putting the Heart Back in Villages Tickets, Tue 29 Nov 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Tim Gilpin | Rural & Regeneration | Northern Ireland Housing Executive | 2nd Floor Housing Centre, 2 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8PB | |07425617298

26th August 2022



Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is seeking Youth Voice members to represent the voices of young people across Causeway Coast and Glens.

Young People aged 15 – 21 years old who live in the borough are invited to apply to be part of Causeway Coast and Glens Youth Voice. This two-year programme will be managed by the Council in Partnership with our Community Planning Partner – the Education Authority through their Youth Service provision.
Youth Voice will provide young people with the opportunity to:

Engage with key decision makers
Have their say on local issues
Meet new friends
Be a representative voice for young people in their area
Be involved and pro-actively engaged with local decision-making processes

Causeway Coast and Glens Youth Voice will meet on a regular basis to identify and take forward common issues relating to young people in the local area along with opportunities for residentials and to participate in study visits.

Please click on the link and complete the online  application form

Everyone is invited to apply regardless of background, abilities or interests. We welcome representatives from right across the geographical spread of the borough and underrepresented groups to ensure the many different needs of young people in the area are heard. 

This two year Timeline illustrates the programme for the Causeway Coast and Glens Youth Voice programme.




25th August 2022

E A Youth Service Pathway to a Professional Youth Work Career

Follow the link below to the pathways programmes:



16th August 2022

The Causeway Coast and Glens Youth Voice group recently hosted a very successful conference in Coleraine.

Supported by the Education Authority, the ‘Our Space, Our Voice’ event brought together 16 schools and approximately 150 young people from the Causeway Coast and Glens to network and exchange views. 

It was an opportunity to hear the voice of young people and for those in attendance to help shape and inform an Action Plan for future youth services in the Borough.

The conference featured screenings of short films produced by Youth Voice members on themes including mental health, identity and climate. These creative and thought-provoking assets highlighted the key areas which will be taken forward as part of the Youth Voice campaign and advocacy work.  

Speaking at the event, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Ivor Wallace, said:

“It is encouraging to see young people being proactive in addressing important matters such as mental health, identity and the environment.

“As a key partner for Community Planning in the Borough, Council is keen to work alongside statutory agencies like the Education Authority to establish and foster ongoing links with young people.  Council recognises the excellent work being undertaken by the Youth Service and Youth Voice to ensure the active participation of young people and develop a credible, democratic, and accountable voice for them, and we are very pleased to support this work.”

Council’s Environmental Resources Officer Fiona Watters who also attended the conference said: "I was really pleased to see the environment emerge a key theme of the conference, and the Youth Voice group made a fantastic short film about litter, which was shown to help start a conversation around this.

“The quality of discussion and feedback from the audience was brilliant and will be used to inform Council's draft Litter Strategy and Action Plan. Congratulations and thank you to Causeway Youth Voice for organising such an important and worthwhile event." 

Youth Voice, supported by the Education Authority Regional Participation team, is a key mechanism for community and youth engagement within the Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan and inclusive participative engagement and connection.

Bebhinn McKinley Community Planning Officer added:

“Youth Voice provides opportunities for young people to actively participate in many aspects of our Community Plan. It also ensures engagement and consideration of the views of other young people by our statutory partners through consultative opportunities. It was wonderful to see the level of interaction and energy at the conference. Well done to all the members of Youth Voice on making this such a successful event.”

For more information about Youth Voice visit the Causeway Coast and Glens Youth Service Facebook page 


6th July 2022

1st July 2022

Rural Housing Needs - NIHE

Housing advice - Mark Alexander, Causeway Area Manager, and Tim Gilpin Rural and Regeneration Unit Manager, both from the Housing Executive, and Gary Mullan, Community Planning Officer, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, were among those who chatted with residents at recent information evenings.

The Housing Executive has extended the time for local people in Kilrea, Moneydig, Garvagh, Glenullin and Ballerin to register their interest in a new social home in the area until the end of July. Demand for social and affordable housing in the vicinity is currently being researched by the Housing Executive, and they are asking residents for their views.

Two face-to-face housing information events were held last month when residents got advice on issues such as finance, grants, energy and homelessness prevention, and registered their interest in social housing in the area. 

The drop-in events were held at Kilrea Sports Complex and Garvagh Community Building.

Anyone who still wishes to register an interest in a home in the locality can call the Housing Executive on 028 9598 2502, email or visit

Housing Executive Acting Rural and Regeneration Manager Tim Gilpin said:

“We are inviting people in the Kilrea, Garvagh, Moneydig, Ballerin, and Glenullin areas to get in touch with us about their housing needs and to get advice on housing options. We have already spoken to a number of residents at our drop-in events but we wanted to give those who were unable to attend more time to get in touch with us. With that in mind, we have extended our registration period until the end of July. If we find there is demand for new homes, we can then engage with a housing association to examine the potential for a new-build scheme in the area. Quite often, especially when we have very few social homes in an area, people don’t see the value of coming forward to put their name on the waiting list. But we use the local waiting list to determine housing need and to support housing associations in developing new homes, so it’s vitally important that people tell us there is a demand.”                                                                                                                                           

Mark Alexander, the Housing Executive’s Area Manager for Causeway, also urged local people to express an interest if they want to live in a social home.

He said: “This exercise helps us to determine the need for new housing in this area and I’d encourage interested local residents to get in touch. While the Rural and Regeneration Unit examines the potential for new housing, you will still be considered for any housing that might become available in your areas of choice, if you are already registered with us or a housing association.”

For more information, visit



09.June 2022

Call for nominations for Co-Chair of Community Engagement Platform

We are currently seeking nominations for the position of Co-Chair for the Community Engagement Platform.  

The purpose of the Community Engagement Platform is to provide a meaningful role of engagement between public service bodies and local community representatives working together to monitor services and influence decision making  leading to improved quality service outcomes that reflect community values throughout the Borough.

The Community Engagement Platform is a key link for public service providers to engage widely and regularly across the whole of Causeway Coast and Glens area, to connect more voices to local decision-making bodies and provide a means for the voice of the community and voluntary sector to be expressed and heard.

Nominations for the position of Co-Chair of the Community Engagement Platform should be submitted to by 30th June 2022.  Further details of the process and nomination form are attached.

If you have any queries please contact  or

Term of Reference Causeway Coast and Glens Community Engagement Platform

Roles and Commitments for Co-chairs of the Causeway Coast and Glens Community Engagement Platform

Nomination Process Co-chair for the Causeway Coast and Glens Community Engagement Platform

Nomination form for position of Co-chair of the Causeway Coast and Glens Community Engagement Platform


09.June 2022

The Housing Executive would like to talk to you.

Are you interested in social or affordable homes in Kilrea, Garvagh, Moneydig, Glenullin or Ballerin?

Please see details of forthcoming coming events in Kilrea & Garvagh

6th June 2022

Have Your Say on the

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan Review 2022

‘A Better Future Together’

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership are currently carrying out a review of the Community Plan (2017 – 2030)

We are seeking your views and opinions

Full details are contained within our Survey

To access the Survey please select the following link

Link to Survey:

**Please see links to Community Planning Documents at the start of the survey which you may find helpful when completing it

 Closing Date: Sunday 26th June 2022

18th February 2022

Clear Forum 

Health Literacy Training

Facilitated by Community Development & Health Network (CDHN)

For Community & Voluntary Sector Organisations (Western Trust Area)

Health literacy is about our knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence to be able to use health and care information and services to make good health decisions (Western Health Literacy Delivery Partnership 2019)
This is a 2.5hr facilitated and interactive online training session. It will help participants to become more aware of the health literacy needs of the people they support, identify low health literacy levels, and equip them with practical tools and techniques to develop their health literacy practice.  Content will be developed to ensure activities, break out room discussions and examples have a focus on mental health, emotional wellbeing, and suicide prevention.

Is this training useful? Just ask our staff

The Clear Project and Developing Healthy Communities teams recently completed this course and they have been raving about how informative and enlightening it was. We would recommend it for anybody who is new to health issues and trying to build their understanding of health and wellbeing as well as those with more experience who are looking to develop their skills and add new strings to their bow.

Facilitated by: CDHN

Venue: All sessions will be delivered online via Zoom  
Course Dates & Times 

Please select one of the courses below. 
Tuesday 15th February 2022 10:30am to 1pm
Thursday 3rd March 2022 6 pm to – 8:30 pm (Evening session)
Tuesday 15th March 2022 10:30am to 1pm

Booking Essential

Health Literacy Flyer

Booking Form

For Community & Voluntary sector organisations delivering services in the Western Trust area to apply for a place please read carefully the Booking and Cancellations Policy And proceed to our website to complete booking 


10th February 2022


27th January 2022

Alzheimer's Society - Upcoming Events

1st December 2021

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership

Statement of Progress Report - 2021

Mr Des Gartland (Invest NI) Vice Chair and Alderman Thomas McKeown (CCGBC) Chair of Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership.A very warm welcome to the second Statement of Progress from Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Partnership.

In June 2017 the Community Planning Partnership presented its Strategic Framework for a Community Plan for the Causeway Coast and Glens area. This Framework aimed to build on the strengths of the statutory and community partners involved in the community planning process to try and collectively address the needs and issues identified in an extensive community engagement process during the development of the Strategic Framework.

To make practical things happen a Delivery Plan was put in place which included a range of actions to address the needs and issues in this area. These actions would be taken forward on a collaborative and “added value” basis by those involved in the community planning process.

A review of this Delivery Plan took place in 2020 to ensure that it continued to be fit for purpose and meet the challenges within the Causeway Coast and Glens area. The Partnership felt this was particularly important given the impacts of Covid-19 on the economic, social and health and well-being of people in Causeway Coast and Glens.

This Statement of Progress is our update to you on where we are currently with our Community Plan and we hope you will be encouraged by the progress made. The aim of the Community Planning Partnership has always been to bring forward positive change for everyone in this area and we are committed to continue with this work even with the major challenges we have faced recently and may face into the future.

We would like to thank all those organisations and people who have been involved in our community planning work and we hope the good news stories included in this document will illustrate the many and varied successful projects that have been driven forward by community planning over the last two years.

Alderman Thomas McKeown Chair

Mr Des Gartland (Invest NI) Vice Chair

Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership

For full access to the Statement of Progress Report 2021, please select link below:

Statement of Progress 2021

Download Statement of Progress 2021

22nd November 2021

COVID Business and Financial Planning Support Programme 2021 – 2022

The COVID Business and Financial Planning Support Programme is one of a number of initiatives designed to support the Northern Ireland industry to rebuild, recover and compete in this changed environment – providing advisory support to assist in the development of business and financial recovery plans.

Programme Aim

The overall programme aim is to help re-set tourism businesses for sustainability and recovery in the post-COVID environment.

Businesses which were successful and sustainable in the past are now in a vulnerable position, resulting from a loss in revenue and a sharp decline in consumer demand – with an uncertainty over when previous demand levels will return.

The core consumer markets have changed significantly for many businesses who now need to adapt their offer to appeal to closer-to-home markets and changing consumer demand.

Tourism businesses are in need of advisory and mentoring support to inform critical and major decisions now, and to ensure longer-term sustainability. Many businesses do not currently have the cash flow to invest in the recovery planning and turnaround services required.

Previously viable tourism businesses, critical to supporting recovery, will need this support to position themselves strongly for what will be a very competitive marketplace over the next three-year period.

This programme will support the development of recovery plans including:

A Health Check and Financial Plan
Review of Business Model
Identify Funding Shortfalls and/or Debt Restructuring


7th September 2021



4th August 2021


Press Release – Disability Access Project, Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust

CCGHT seeking to improve accessibility in the outdoors

An exciting new project being delivered by Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (CCGHT) seeks to improve accessibility for those of all abilities across our outstanding local landscapes.

Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (CCGHT), working with renowned accessibility consultants Direct Access, are entering the next phase of a wide-reaching accessibility project across Causeway Coast and Glens. Following months of consultation meetings with local people and after a public call for input, Direct Access have identified 9 locations to be assessed for accessibility improvements. Site audits will be conducted this week by Direct Access expert Steve Dering, who will assess locations and make recommendations of how they can be improved to better facilitate a variety of mobility and access needs for residents and visitors.   

Audit locations: - Downhill Estate - Ballycastle Visitor Centre - Dunluce Castle - Armoy playing Fields - Cushendall Beach Front - Waterfoot Beach Front - Cushendun Village Walks and Glenmona House Grounds - Ballycastle Memorial - Portrush East Strand changing facilities. This work forms part of a larger project which has already seen CCGHT revise and improve internal working practices, and which has allowed a number of free CCGHT publications be translated into Sign Language and Audio Description formats; available on YouTube.

Nikki Maguire, CCGHT Project Manager said “After more than a year of lockdowns I appreciate accessing our special landscapes more than ever and I want to make sure they are accessible for as many people as possible. Having Direct Access carry out these audits and give clear advice will help us and others improve access for everyone.”

This weeks’ site audits will support landowners and site managers to improve accessibility across our landscapes. CCGHT will support at least one site to implement any improvements identified through funding secured from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (DAERA).

Oliver Mc Mullan, CCGBC Councillor and CCGHT Board Member commented: “The Glens are renowned for their beautiful scenery and I want to support people of all abilities to access and enjoy our special places. I s