Transfer of Planning Functions

On 1st April 2015 the majority of the planning functions delivered by the Department for Infrastructure transferred to local Councils.

Under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 a new hierarchy of development has been introduced which categories planning applications as local, major or regionally significant and the types of applications that fall within these categories is set out in the Schedule to The Planning (Development Management) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015.

Department for Infrastructure Planning Functions

Under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 the Department retains responsibility for the following planning functions:

  • Receiving and determination of Regionally Significant and ‘called-in’ applications
  • Regional Planning Policy
  • Planning Legislation
  • Oversight and guidance for councils
  • Performance Management

Council Planning Functions

Under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 the Council has responsibility for the following planning functions:

  • Receiving and making decisions on the majority of planning applications including consents categorised as local or major applications
  • Making Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)
  • Protecting and preserving built heritage
  • Investigating alleged breaches of planning control and determining what enforcement action should be taken
  • Developing a local development plan which sets out how land in the Borough should be used and developed

Statement of Community Involvement

The Council’s Statement of Community Involvement in Planning, agreed with the Department for Infrastructure (DFI), sets out how the Council intends to engage with the public, stakeholders and Government Departments in exercising its planning functions, including:

  • the preparation of the Local Development Plan;
  • deciding planning applications in the Borough;
  • planning enforcement; and
  • other planning matters.

Contact Us

If you would like further information, please contact us

  028 7034 7100