Looking Forward

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Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Public Authority Statutory Equality and Good Relations Duties 
Annual Progress Report 2019-20


Section 23 
Looking Forward



Please indicate when the Equality Scheme is due for review:        2024




Are there areas of the Equality Scheme arrangements (screening/consultation/training) your organisation anticipates will be focused upon in the next reporting period? (please provide details)

Further development and training in relation to screening assessments and undertaking EQIA’s.

Further information/training regarding communication options available to staff to reach all sections of our community.




In relation to the advice and services that the Commission offers, what equality and good relations priorities are anticipated over the next (2020-21) reporting period? (please tick any that apply)

     ☒     Employment

     ☐     Goods, facilities and services

     ☒     Legislative changes

     ☐     Organisational changes/ new functions

     ☐     Nothing specific, more of the same

     ☒     Other (please state):      Consulting in the new normal