What will success look like

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What will success look like?

people celebrating a job well done

If the community plan has worked, in 2030, we will be able to say that…

A person enjoying the beach

All people of the Causeway Coast and Glens benefit from improved physical health and mental wellbeing (Outcome 1)

a group of children

The Causeway Coast and Glens is an area where our children and young people get the very best start in life (Outcome 2) 

a older woman smiling

All people of the Causeway Coast and Glens can live independently as far as possible and access support services when they need it (Outcome 3)

a group of smiling people at a table with a welcome sign

The Causeway Coast & Glens area feels safe and welcoming for all who live or visit here (Outcome 4)

a man and woman shaking hands

The Causeway Coast and Glens area promotes and supports positive relationships (Outcome 5) 

the Causeway stones

The Causeway Coast & Glens area is widely recognised and celebrated for its unique natural & built landscapes (Outcome 6)

the Council headquarters Coleraine

The Causeway Coast & Glens area has buildings and facilities for living and working (like hospitals, leisure centres, business parks, roads etc.) that help to create jobs, access, and connections (Outcome 7)

childrens hands on a tree stump

The Causeway Coast & Glens area is looked after to make sure that it is there for our children and our children’s children (Outcome 8)

a group of people holding their thumbs up

The Causeway Coast & Glens area provides opportunities for ALL (Outcome 9)

a business women finishing a race

The Causeway Coast & Glens area attracts and grows more successful businesses (Outcome 10)

a man having a new idea
The Causeway Coast & Glens area encourages new  businesses and ideas (Outcome 11)

a girl smiling
All people of the Causeway Coast and Glens will be the best they can be (Outcome 12)

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