Infrastructure and Environment Actions
Infrastructure and Environment Actions
The Infrastructure/Environment Actions within this section are:
17. Improve public spaces.
18. Meet local housing needs.
19. Promote ‘LiveSmart’
20. Establish local transport concerns.
21. Enhance natural and built environment.
22. Protect natural heritage.
Improve public spaces.
We want to improve and develop public spaces for everyone to enjoy and be able to use, while celebrating the local natural and built landscapes.
A partnership made up of public, private, community and voluntary sectors will work to improve and develop public spaces for everyone.
Meet local housing need.
We want to have social and affordable housing in rural areas where people want to live to help support local communities.
Promote ‘LiveSmart’
We want to work with others to promote ‘LiveSmart’ is where we work together to meet everyone’s needs so they have a safe, clean, and healthy place to live and work.
A partnership made up of public, private, community and voluntary sectors will work to promote a safe, clean, and healthy place to live by using ‘LiveSmart’.
Local transport concerns
We want to understand key local transport concerns in rural areas and how we can improve transport services in these areas.
A partnership made up of public, private, community and voluntary sectors will work to understand key local transport concerns and how they can be overcome.
Enhance natural and built environment.
We want to increase areas which are planted with traditional wildflowers and are insect friendly and we want to reduce the amount of litter in our local area.
A partnership made up of public, private, community and voluntary sectors will work to plant more wildflowers and try to reduce the amount of litter in the area.
Protect natural heritage.
We want to protect the natural heritage in the Causeway Coast and Glens area by maintaining and managing the area in and around the natural feature.
A partnership will work to protect the natural heritage and landscaping in and around the area.
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