Community and Community Safety Actions
Community and Community Safety Actions
The Community and Community Safety Actions are:
10. Multi-Agency support hub
11. Online safe Partnership
12. Provide community meetings for people to speak up
13. Promote Shared Public Spaces
14. Support the Community and Voluntary Groups
15. Increase Road Safety Partnerships
16. Reduce Fires caused by Accidents.
Multi-Agency Support hub
The Multi-Agency Support hub helps everyone who is in need and to stop people being in need, this will help create a healthy community where everyone can live together and promotes respect and support.
Online Safety Partnership
The online safety partnership helps people use the internet without fear of scams or bullying and to increase support for people using the internet. We want a healthy community where everyone can live together and promotes respect and support.
A partnership made will work to support those who find themselves without a home.
Provide community meetings for people to speak up.
We want to provide community meetings where people can come together and have their say and help to make decisions. This will help to create a healthy community where everyone can live together and promotes respect and support.
A partnership will help to provide the community engagement platform.
Promote Public Shared Spaces
We want to increase public areas where everyone can come together and enjoy using without any fears. This will help to create a healthy community where everyone can live together and promotes respect and support.
A partnership will help to promote more public shared spaces.
Support the Community and Voluntary Sector
A partnership will help to support and strengthen the Community and Voluntary Sector. We want to increase and strengthen support to the Community and Voluntary Sector. This will help to create a healthy community where everyone can live together and promotes respect and support.
Increase Road Safety Partnership
We want to increase road safety partnerships to reduce risk of traffic accidents and keep everyone safe on the roads. A partnership made up of public, private, community and voluntary sectors will work to increase road safety and reduce risks of traffic collisions.
Reduce Fires Caused by Accidents
We want to reduce the number of fires caused by accidents in houses. This will help to create a healthy community where everyone can live together safely and promotes respect and support.
A partnership made up of public, private, community and voluntary sectors will work to reduce the number of fires in people’s homes.
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