Redevelopment of Coleraine Leisure Centre Equality Screening
S75 Equality And Good Relations Screening Form
General Information: Project
Is this an existing, revised or a new function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance? Revised
Operational Area: Sport & Wellbeing
Title: Redevelopment of Coleraine Leisure Centre
Brief Summary:
In 2021, Council instructed officers to proceed with an update to the Outline Business for the redevelopment of Coleraine Leisure Centre Case (OBC) that was originally developed in 2017/18. In April 2022 Members approved the interim OBC and directed officers to proceed with funding application for Round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF). Subject to completion of the OBC, the indicative capital cost of Coleraine Leisure Centre is c.£26m. Without a significant and successful bid to the LUF, this project will not be affordable. The need to confirm significant external funding is the reason why the OBC is considered as ‘interim’. In May 2022 members approved applications prioritisation for BLC to be submitted to Round 2 of the Levelling up Fund. The current concept design comprises: 25m pool and learner pool, wet play, soft play, 2x studios/community space, gym area, changing places facility, café and public pathways / public realm.
What is it trying to achieve? (intended aims and outcomes)
The following aims have been agreed for investment in Coleraine Leisure Centre:To contribute strategically to the Coleraine offer for ratepayers and visitors;
- To improve the presentation of the Coleraine Leisure Centre to complement existing and planned redevelopment in the surrounding area (Northern Regional College, Coleraine Football Club and Chronicle Building); and
- To help distribute visitors and football across Coleraine contributing to its functionality as a regional destination and as a service town for its indigenous population.
The following objectives have been agreed for investment in Coleraine Leisure Centre:
- Open new leisure centre by 2025;
- Deliver at least 85% of annual KPI targets;
- Increase total annual visits from 200,000 to 400,000 by March 2028;
- Increase the number of regular leisure centre users to 2,800 by March 2028 and deliver the equivalent of £1.35m in social value as defined by UK Active;
- Reduce the annual subvention by at least 65% (based on the 2019/20 pre-pandemic outturn excluding depreciation and pension adjustments) by March 2028;
- Prices to remain comparable with other NI Councils; and
- Increase usage by underrepresented Section 75 groups by 25% by March 2028.
Who owns and who implements each element of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?
The SRO for the project is the Director of Leisure and Development and the Sponsor is the Head of Sport and Wellbeing. Implementation of the project will involve support from internal stakeholders (Capital Delivery Team, Estates, Operations and Events); and collaboration with external stakeholders (Special interest groups and general public).
Other policies etc. which have a bearing on this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?
The OBC for the demonstrates the contribution of the project to the following Strategies:
- Executive Office, Northern Ireland Programme for Government 2016 -2021
- Executive Office, New Decade, New Approach Deal 2020
- Executive Office, Children and Young People’s Strategy 2020 -2030
- DfC’s Coleraine Masterplan Review 2020.
- Sport NI’s Corporate Plan 2020-25
- DfC’s Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity
- Council Strategy 2021—2025 – Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council Corporate Strategy
- A Better Future Together: A Community Plan for Causeway Coast & Glens 2017-2030
- Sport & Wellbeing Plan 2020-23 (interim)
- Sports & Leisure Facilities Strategy; Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council August 2015
- Council Equality Action Plan 2019-23
- Council Disability Action Plan 2020-24
- Levelling Up Fund agenda
Studies, Publications, Statistics and Guidance:
- Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency – Census 2011;
- Tourism NI – Tourism Statistics Fact Card 2019;
- NINIS, Census 2001;
- Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017; and
- Two pathways through adversity: predicting well-being and housing outcomes among homeless service users, Walter, Z. C., Jetten, J., Dingle, G., Parsell, C., and Johnstone, M. (2015)
Available Evidence
Evidence to help inform the screening process may take many forms. Public authorities should ensure that their screening decision is informed by relevant data.
What evidence/information (both qualitative and quantitative have you gathered to inform this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance? Specify details for relevant Section 75 categories.
It is proposed that all Section 75 categories will be considered via:
- Quantitative evidence has been sourced via the NI Census in 2011, the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2018.
- Qualitative evidence has been gathered through sustained consultation prior to the development of the OBC including
o Engagement with the Elected Members;
o Direct consultation with existing users of the Coleraine Leisure Centre site;
o Consultation with the wider public and casual users;
o Consultation with external stakeholders such as relevant governing bodies of sport
o Consultation with appropriate statutory sector representatives;
o Consultation with internal stakeholders who will be impacted by any investment decisions
in the Coleraine Leisure Centre site (e.g. grounds maintenance, operations, events management); and
o Specific interest consultations such as Disability Sport NI
Section 75 Category Details of Evidence/Information
• Mid-year 2020 NISRA statistics detailed the usual resident population of Causeway Coast & Glens Local Government District to be 144,900, accounting for 7.6% of the N.I. total. Statistical information with regards to the Districts makeup and individuals therein was also reviewed.
• Council’s Equality Action plan and Disability Action Plan, specifically sport and wellbeing actions to:
o Support persons with a disability to attend and fully engage in Council events and programmes.
o Improve accessibility for individuals with a disability to participate in physical activity and improve well-being,
by supporting individuals with a disability to access specialist equipment and facilitate exercise.
o Improve social inclusion and leisure information for people with disabilities.
• Council’s Every Body Active Programme centres upon increasing sustained participation in sport and physical activity amongst under-represented groups.
Target % Participate Group Actual %
100% 5,361 Total (Unique) Participants 92% 4,928
58% 3,098 Women & Girls 61% 2,981
17% 869 Disability 18% 906
34% 1,793 People living in areas of High Social Need 19% 927
(top 25%) HSN figures
34% 1,679 Sustained Participation (11 times+) 31% 1,630
• The Council does not currently hold Section 75 monitoring data for historical and existing users of the Coleraine Leisure Centre, however it does hold data on membership numbers which indicates that:
o 40% are young people;
o 54% are female.
o 11% are over 65
o 16% of users are from a ward in the bottom 25% for Multiple Deprivation Measurements in NI.
• Sport NI’s Sport and Physical Activity Survey (SAPAS) in 2010 provides empirical evidence of NI wide participation levels by some of the Section 75 groupings:
• The consultation process with stakeholders has also identified particular needs of different user groups across the various components of the project as follows:
o Public changing/toilets and parking – particular needs of people with a disability; and
o General events – particular needs of visitors from surrounding rural areas and ‘out of state’ visitors.
o Shared spaces – to enable communities to come together in a setting away from any religious settings.
• All of the above needs of different user groups have to be weighed up to achieve a balance in terms of accessibility, safety, visibility, and clarity of procedures across the site.
• It is also clear that the majority of the Borough is rural in composition and therefore the specific needs of those individuals will be considered further in the Rural Proofing Form.
Religious Beliefs
The 2011 Census outlined:
Census 2011 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Roman Catholic 40.21% 45.14%
Protestant & Other Christian (including Christian related) 54.79% 48.36%
Other Religions 0.65% 0.92%
None/Not stated 4.35% 5.58%
In terms of religion or religion brought up in the 2011 Census indicates that our resident’s religious beliefs are comparable to those in Northern Ireland in that there are 2 predominant groupings i.e. Roman Catholic and Protestant. However we also have a number of individuals (5.64%) who do not practice a specific religion or who do not wish to be grouped into a specific religion. In addition we have a small number of individuals who practice other religions.
The DfC Strategy for Sport from 2009 to 2019 states that we should:
"ensure that 90% of the population have quality accredited, multi-sports facilities, that have the capacity to meet demand, within 20 minutes travel time".
No issues regarding religious beliefs were raised during consultation to date with current stakeholders who have various religious beliefs and multiple identities. The opening hours demonstrate that they are wide and varied to facilitate enjoyment by all 7 days a week to accommodate those of various religious and non-religious beliefs. In conclusion, this project should not impact upon any religious group and will be a shared space where everyone should feel welcome and therefore have a neutral impact on this Section 75 group.
Political Opinion
The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2020) provides the following information on the political parties people in Northern Ireland feel closest to (this information is not available at Council area level) :
DUP/Democratic Unionist Party 23
Sinn Féin 11
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) 11
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) 14
Alliance Party 28
Green Party 4
Other Party 2
None of these 3
Don't know 3
In conclusion, this project should not impact upon any political affiliation and will be a shared space where everyone should feel welcome and therefore have a neutral impact on this Section 75 group.
Racial Group
On Census Day 27th March 2011 the resident population was:
Census 2011 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
White 98.97% 98.21%
Irish Traveller 0.03% 0.07%
Mixed 0.25% 0.33%
Indian 0.16% 0.34%
Pakistani 0.03% 0.06%
Bangladeshi 0.01% 0.03%
Other Asian 0.15% 0.28%
Black Caribbean 0.01% 0.02%
Black African 0.01% 0.13%
Other Black 0.01% 0.05%
Chinese 0.24% 0.35%
Other ethnic group 0.09% 0.13%
The signage proposed will use plain English and pictorial formats in-line with industry best practice to support the wide range and backgrounds of tourists expected. 94% of visitors to the Borough surveyed by Tourism NI, originated from English speaking countries. However, to help ensure inclusivity and accessibility to all, Council will ensure up to date information is held on its website so that information may be translated to different languages using the free translation function. This project should not negatively impact upon any racial group and will be representative of the demographics above and therefore have a neutral impact on this Section 75 group.
Age: (Mid Year 2020) (NISRA statistics)
CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Under 15 28,600 (19.74%) 395,800 (20.88%)
16 - 64 89,200 (61.56%) 1,179,700 (62.24%)
65 - 84 23,900 (16.49%) 280,600 (14.80%)
85 and over 3,200 (2.21%) 39,400 (2.08%)
TOTAL Population 144,900 1,895,500
Mid-Year population estimates 2020 - NISRA By Council Area
Council 0-15 16-64 65-84 85 and over TOTAL
Antrim & Newtownabbey 29800 89400 21500 3000 143700
Ards & North Down 30000 97000 31000 4100 162100
Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon 48900 134200 30200 4000 217300
Belfast 68200 223100 43800 7400 342500
Causeway Coast & Glens 28600 89200 23900 3200 144900
Derry City & Strabane 32700 94900 21100 2400 151100
Fermanagh & Omagh 25400 71400 18000 2500 117300
Lisburn & Castlereagh 29600 91000 22600 3300 146500
Mid & East Antrim 26800 85700 23600 3300 139400
Mid Ulster 34800 92200 19300 2700 149000
Newry, Mourne & Down 41000 111600 25600 3500 181700
The site has been designed to provide a facility for all age ranges and a wide variety of abilities. Managing the diverse mix of provision with signage and clear procedures will be required to maximise this positive impact on all age groupings. In particular, the learner pool will support learn to swim for young children while the programming of Active Ageing sessions will support older age groups.
The information will be promoted in line with industry best practices and will ensure it is easy to read and understand. This may result in large print signage and pictorial formats when appropriate. The information will also be available on council’s webpage and therefore may be accessed using a screen-reader for individuals whose sight may be affected by age. In conclusion, the project will have a positive impact on all age groupings given the diverse nature of leisure provision on the site.
Marital Status
Marital status by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2011):
Census 2011 Ballymoney BC Coleraine BC Limavady BC Moyle DC
Single 32.68% 34.78% 36.64% 34.96%
Married 52.52% 48.88% 48.94% 49.03%
Civil Partnership 0.07% 0.06% 0.08% 0.08%
Separated 3.13% 3.15% 3.58% 3.66%
Divorced/Civil Partnership Dissolved 5.23% 6.13% 4.99% 5.11%
Widowed/Surviving Civil Partner 6.39% 7.00% 5.78% 7.15%
The consultation process for this project raised no impactful issues with regards to Marital status. In conclusion, there is no evidence to assess the project’s impact on this Section 75 group and will be assumed as having a neutral impact.
Sexual Orientation
There are no specific figures available on how many people may be Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual or Trans-gender or Trans-sexual (LGBT) specific to the Council area.
The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2020) provides the following information on the sexual orientation of people in Northern Ireland (this information is not available at local government level):
I am ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ (homosexual) 3
I am heterosexual or ‘straight’ 94
I am bi-sexual 2
Other 1
In addition the NI Rainbow Project estimates between 6-10% of any given population could be considered as LGBT. The’ village changing’ facility will provide totally flexible individual changing rooms to service the swimming pool. The consultation process for this project raised no impactful issues with regards to Sexual Orientation. In conclusion, there is no evidence to assess the project’s impact on this Section 75 group and will be assumed as neutral impact.
Men and Women Generally
Gender: (Mid Year 2019 Population Estimates)
CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Male 71,839 (49.6%) 934,155 (49.3%)
Female 73,104 (50.4%) 961,355 (50.7%)
Village changing facilities will be installed to help eliminate any prejudices that may occur against those who identify as transgender gender fluid or non-binary. Single occupancy toilets will be considered gender neutral. The Leisure Centre will be designed to be as family-friendly as possible, therefore breastfeeding mothers will be welcomed and made to feel comfortable throughout the building. In conclusion, the project will have a positive impact on men and women given the diverse nature of leisure provision on the site.
The Census figures in 2011 regarding People With or Without Dependents:
Census 2011 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Number of households 54,970 721,860
Households with dependent children 15,597 (28.37%) 261,251 (36.19%)
The redevelopment Leisure Centre will incorporate new soft and wet play areas to encourage younger participants to engage in physical activity. The consultation process for this project raised no impactful issues with regards to dependants. In conclusion, there is no evidence to assess the project’s impact on this Section 75 group and will be assumed as neutral impact.
People with a Disability/People Without: People with a long term condition/illness by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2011):
Census 2011 Ballymoney BC Coleraine BC Limavady BC Moyle DC
People with a long term condition/illness 30.6% 31.31% 31.05% 31.68%
People Without 69.4% 68.69% 68.95% 68.32%
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Long Term Condition:
Mobility or dexterity 19%
Long term pain or discomfort 17%
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 14%
A chronic illness 11%
Deafness or partial hearing loss 9%
An emotional, psychological or mental health condition 9%
Other condition 9%
A learning, intellectual or social behaviour difficulty 3%
Frequent periods of confusion or memory loss 3%
Blindness or partial sight 3%
Communication difficulty 3%
Source: NINIS, Census 2011, KS302NI
1. ‘Communication difficulty’ means a difficulty with speaking or making yourself understood.
2. ‘A mobility or dexterity difficulty’ means a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying.
3. ‘An emotional, psychological or mental health condition’ includes conditions such as depression or schizophrenia.
4. ‘Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing’ includes conditions such as asthma.
5. ‘A chronic illness’ includes illnesses such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy.
6. ‘Long-term’ refers to a condition which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months.
Coleraine Leisure Centre will be DDA compliant and include a designated ‘Changing Places’ facility to accommodate the needs of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well people with other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis often need extra equipment and space to allow them to use the toilets safely and comfortably. With an external door controlled by a Radar Key, the changing places facility will service both users of the new Leisure Centre and other visitors/residents of the town. The door will be locked at all times and will only be accessible to those with a Radar Key or by users request a key from reception when it is open. This will accommodate the maximum number of users, extend the time that the facility will be open for and help to protect against vandalism.
Accessible parking will be provided in line with regulations and will be located as close as possible to the Changing Places facility. At detailed design stage, the design team will consider how the needs of users with various levels of disability will gain access to the pool. Walkways are wide enough to facilitate wheelchairs, external surfaces are tarmac and smooth for individuals with visual impairments and there are no unsuitably high gradients. The facility will be promoted in many accessible formats including a video of the facility when ready to open to support individuals with autism as they would understand what to expect and how the different areas will operate.
In summary, this project could have a minor negative impact on people with a disability who traditionally are faced with many barriers to participating in sport and leisure (as evidenced by SAPAS above). However this can be mitigated through ongoing consultation with the stakeholders (some of which are identified above) in the detailed design of disabled access to the leisure centre. As part of the mitigation measures, Council intends to conduct further consultation with disability groups to ensure the final facility design takes account of the specific health needs of the Borough highlighted above. With all the accessible facilities proposed, we believe the project will have an overall positive impact on people with disabilities as it will offer additional services which were not previously available.
Redevelopment of Coleraine Leisure Centre - Screening questions 1 to 4
Redevelopment of Coleraine Leisure Centre - Additional considerations