Asset Realisation - Disposal of Land at Station Road, Dunloy - Equality Screening

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S75 Equality And Good Relations Screening Form


General Information: 


Is this an existing, revised or a new function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?   


Operational Area: 

Asset Realisation



Asset Realisation - Disposal of Land at Station Road, Dunloy - Equality Screening



Brief Summary:

Surplus to requirements land at Station Road, Dunloy – Disposal of same. 



What is it trying to achieve? (intended aims and outcomes)

• To satisfy obtaining Value for Money for disposal of Local Government Land & Property.

• To meet the objectives of LPS Disposal of Surplus Land in Local Government.



Who owns and who implements each element of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

• Elected Members – decision making.

• Officers strategic over-view. 

• Asset holder providing an overview of the asset holder to the Asset Realisation Officer. 

Other policies etc. which have a bearing on this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?


• Land and Property Policy 
• Equality Scheme (renewed 2020) 
• Estates Management Strategy 2020 – 2025 
• Corporate Strategy 2020-2024 

Studies, Publications, Statistics and Guidance:

• Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency – Census 2011
• NINIS, Census 2011
• Northern Area Plan – Planning Department 
• Royal Chartered Institute of Surveyors Policy (red book guidance). 
• Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency – Census 2011 
• Land and Property Service Process Guidance on ‘Disposal of Surplus Public Sector Property in Northern Ireland’ (March 2013) – Asset Realisation implementation. 
• NINIS, Census 2001



Available Evidence

Evidence to help inform the screening process may take many forms.  Public authorities should ensure that their screening decision is informed by relevant data.
What evidence/information (both qualitative and quantitative have you gathered to inform this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?  Specify details for relevant Section 75 categories.

It is proposed that all Section 75 categories will be considered via:

• Quantitative evidence has been sourced via the NI Census in 2011 and the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2020.  
• Minutes of Environmental Services Committee, December 2021.
• Internal departmental consultation process.



Section 75 Category Details of Evidence/Information

  • Mid-year 2020 NISRA statistics detailed the usual resident population of Causeway Coast & Glens Local Government District to be 144,900, accounting for 7.6% of the N.I. total.  Statistical information with regards to the Districts makeup and individuals therein was also reviewed. 
  • It is also clear that the majority of our borough is rural in composition and therefore the specific needs of those individuals must be considered during screening.


Religious Beliefs

The 2011 Census outlined:
Census 2011                                                                                        CC&G Borough Council                Northern Ireland
Roman Catholic                                                                                              40.21%                                      45.14%
Protestant & Other Christian (including Christian related)                             54.79%                                       48.36%
Other Religions                                                                                                0.65%                                         0.92%
None/Not stated                                                                                               4.35%                                         5.58%

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any religion.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to religion.

Political Opinion

The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2020) provides the following information on the political parties people in Northern Ireland feel closest to (this information is not available at Council area level) :
DUP/Democratic Unionist Party                                                   23
Sinn Féin                                                                                      11
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)                                                         11
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)                              14
Alliance Party                                                                               28
Green Party                                                                                   4
Other Party                                                                                    2
None of these                                                                                3
Don't know                                                                                     3


This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any political opinion.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to political opinion. 



Racial Group

On Census Day 27th March 2011 the resident population was:


Census 2011                                                    CC&G Borough Council                         Northern Ireland
White                                                                       98.97%                                               98.21%
Irish Traveller                                                             0.03%                                                 0.07%
Mixed                                                                         0.25%                                                 0.33%
Indian                                                                         0.16%                                                 0.34%
Pakistani                                                                    0.03%                                                 0.06%
Bangladeshi                                                               0.01%                                                 0.03%
Other Asian                                                                0.15%                                                 0.28%
Black Caribbean                                                         0.01%                                                 0.02%
Black African                                                               0.01%                                                0.13%
Other Black                                                                 0.01%                                                0.05%
Chinese                                                                       0.24%                                                0.35%
Other ethnic group                                                      0.09%                                                0.13%

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any Racial Group.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to Racial Group.  

The consultation process will be on-line to support individuals where English is not the first language, however, as the translation function on the council website will support translation into a suitable language.


Age: (Mid Year 2020)   (NISRA statistics)

                                                   CC&G Borough Council                              Northern Ireland
Under 15                                             28,600 (19.74%)                                      395,800 (20.88%)
16 - 64                                                 89,200 (61.56%)                                   1,179,700 (62.24%)
65 - 84                                                 23,900 (16.49%)                                      280,600 (14.80%)
85 and over                                             3,200 (2.21%)                                         39,400 (2.08%)
TOTAL Population                               144,900                                                  1,895,500

Mid-Year population estimates 2020 - NISRA By Council Area

Council                                                              0-15                 16-64                    65-84              85 and over          TOTAL
Antrim & Newtownabbey                                29800                89400                  21500                 3000                   143700
Ards & North Down                                         30000                97000                  31000                 4100                   162100
Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon             48900              134200                  30200                 4000                   217300
Belfast                                                             68200              223100                  43800                 7400                   342500
Causeway Coast & Glens                             28600                89200                  23900                 3200                   144900
Derry City & Strabane                                     32700               94900                   21100                 2400                    151100
Fermanagh & Omagh                                     25400                71400                  18000                 2500                    117300
Lisburn & Castlereagh                                    29600                91000                  22600                 3300                    146500
Mid & East Antrim                                           26800                85700                  23600                 3300                    139400
Mid Ulster                                                       34800                92200                  19300                 2700                     149000
Newry, Mourne & Down                                  41000               111600                 25600                 3500                     181700

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any Age Group.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to any Age Group. 
To support the consultation process Councils website is compatible with screen reader software. Interested parties can contact the relevant officer by telephone for further information, to comment or to raise a concern.


Marital Status

Marital Status: 

Marital status by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2011):

Census 2011                                              Ballymoney BC           Coleraine BC                 Limavady BC                   Moyle DC
Single                                                            32.68%                           34.78%                       36.64%                           34.96%
Married                                                          52.52%                          48.88%                        48.94%                           49.03%
Civil Partnership                                              0.07%                            0.06%                          0.08%                             0.08%
Separated                                                        3.13%                            3.15%                          3.58%                            3.66%
Divorced/Civil Partnership Dissolved               5.23%                           6.13%                          4.99%                             5.11%
Widowed/Surviving Civil Partner                      6.39%                           7.00%                          5.78%                             7.15%

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any Marital Group.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to any Marital Group. 



Sexual Orientation

There are no specific figures available on how many people may be Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual or Trans-gender or Trans-sexual (LGBT) specific to the Council area. 

The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2020)   provides the following information on the sexual orientation of people in Northern Ireland (this information is not available at local government level):

 I am ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ (homosexual)                    3
 I am heterosexual or ‘straight’                           94
 I am bi-sexual                                                      2
 Other                                                                   1 

In addition the NI Rainbow Project estimates between 6-10% of any given population could be considered as LGBT. 

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any Sexual Orientation.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to any Sexual Orientation.


Men and Women Generally Gender:  (Mid Year 2019 Population Estimates)2 

                                        CC&G Borough Council                Northern Ireland
Male                                   71,839 (49.6%)                           934,155 (49.3%)
Female                               73,104 (50.4%)                          961,355 (50.7%) 

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any gender. 

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to any gender. 



The Census information in 2011 showed:

People With or Without Dependents:

Census 2011                                              CC&G Borough Council                          Northern Ireland
Number of households                                          54,970                                             721,860
Households with dependent children                    15,597 (28.37%)                              261,251 (36.19%)

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any Dependants.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to any Dependants.



People with a Disability/People Without:

People with a long term condition/illness by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2011):

Census 2011                                                        Ballymoney BC             Coleraine BC                Limavady BC                Moyle DC
People with a long term condition/illness                 30.6%                            31.31%                       31.05%                         31.68%
People Without                                                         69.4%                            68.69%                       68.95%                         68.32%

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Long Term Condition:
Mobility or dexterity                                                                  19%
Long term pain or discomfort                                                    17%
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing                                14%
A chronic illness                                                                        11%
Deafness or partial hearing loss                                                 9%
An emotional, psychological or mental health condition             9%
Other condition                                                                           9%
A learning, intellectual or social behaviour difficulty                   3%
Frequent periods of confusion or memory loss                          3%
Blindness or partial sight                                                            3%
Communication difficulty                                                            3%
Source: NINIS, Census 2011, KS302NI
1. ‘Communication difficulty’ means a difficulty with speaking or making yourself understood. 
2. ‘A mobility or dexterity difficulty’ means a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying. 
3. ‘An emotional, psychological or mental health condition’ includes conditions such as depression or schizophrenia. 
4. ‘Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing’ includes conditions such as asthma. 
5. ‘A chronic illness’ includes illnesses such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy. 
6. ‘Long-term’ refers to a condition which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months.

This portion of land it is envisaged will not have any consequential effect upon any disability.

Therefore a consultation process will inform disposal impacts, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to any disability.

To support the consultation process Councils website is compatible with screen reader software.  Interested parties can contact the relevant officer by telephone or Sign Video (at civic offices) for further information, to comment or to raise a concern.  


Screening Questions

1. What is the likely impact on equality of opportunity for those affected by this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Section 75 Category -  Positive impact (it could benefit)                              Neutral                                   Negative impact (it could disadvantage)                            

Women                                  Neutral                                                                 
Men                                       Neutral                                                              
Transgender men/women     Neutral                                                                
Other please specify             Neutral 

Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 

To be reviewed upon completion of consultation. 


The categories used in the Race section are those used in the 2011 census.  Consideration should be given to the needs of specific communities within the broad categories.

Asian                                  Neutral 
Black                                  Neutral
Chinese                             Neutral 
Mixed race                         Neutral  
Other please specify          Neutral  

Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 

To be reviewed upon completion of consultation.

Plain English used for communication and information on the proposed disposal is available on council website in multiple languages. 

Residents can talk to the Asset Realisation officer to find out further information, comment or raise a concern.


Long term health impairment could include mental health problems, asthma, heart conditions, chronic fatigue etc. Neutral     

Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 

To be reviewed upon completion of consultation.

Plain English used for communication and information on the proposed disposal is available on council website which supports screen readers. 

Residents can talk to the Asset Realisation officer to find out further information, comment or raise a concern.



Sexual orientation

Heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, others  Neutral  


Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 

To be reviewed upon completion of consultation.



Older People  Neutral 
Younger people and children  Neutral     

​Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 

To be reviewed upon completion of consultation.

Plain English used for communication and information on the proposed disposal is available on council website which supports screen readers. 

Residents can talk to the Asset Realisation officer to find out further information, comment or raise a concern.


Political Opinion

Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 

To be reviewed upon completion of consultation.



Religious Belief   

Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 


Martial Status


Reason:   Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 



Strategic overview has not identified any equality impacts. 




Screening Questions

2. Are there opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity for people within any of the Section 75 categories?


(Women, Men, Transgender men/women , Other please specify)  
Not applicable – no opportunities to promote equality. No impact has been identified. 



The categories used in the Race section are those used in the 2011 census.  Consideration should be given to the needs of specific communities within the broad categories. 
(Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed race, White, Other please specify)
Information has been provided on the Council website to support the use of a translation tool where users first language may not be English. No impact has been identified. 



Long term health impairment could include mental health problems, asthma, heart conditions, chronic fatigue etc.
Information has been provided on the Council website to support the use of a screen reader.  Feed back can also be provided by telephone. No impact has been identified. 


Sexual orientation

Heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, others
Not applicable – no opportunities to promote equality. No impact has been identified. 



Older People, Younger people and children
Information has been provided on the Council website however, feedback can also be provided by telephone or by post. No impact has been identified. 


Political Opinion

Not applicable – no opportunities to promote equality. No impact has been identified. 


Religious Belief

Not applicable – no opportunities to promote equality. No impact has been identified. 


Marital Status

Not applicable – no opportunities to promote equality. No impact has been identified. 



Not applicable – no opportunities to promote equality. No impact has been identified. 




Screening Questions

3. To what extent is the policy likely to impact on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Section 75 Category:  Religious Belief
Details of policy impact:  No impact. 
Level of impact:  None – doesn’t relate to this specific category. 

Section 75 Category:  Political Opinion
Details of policy impact:  No impact. 
Level of impact:  None – doesn’t relate to this specific category. 

Section 75 Category:  Racial Group
Details of policy impact:  No impact. 
Level of impact:  None – doesn’t relate to this specific category. 


Screening Questions

4. Are there opportunities to better promote good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Religious Belief:  No.  Land disposal is irrespective of religious belief. 
Political Opinion.  No.  Land disposal is irrespective of political opinion. 
Racial Group.  No.  Land disposal is irrespective of Racial Group. 



Additional Considerations

Generally speaking people can fall into more than one Section 75 category.  Taking this into consideration, are there any potential impacts of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance on people with multiple identities?  (For example:  disabled minority ethnic people, disabled women, young Protestant men, young lesbians, gay and bisexual people.)

To-date, no impacts have been identified. 


Provide details of data on the impact of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance on people with multiple identities.  Specify the relevant Section 75 categories concerned.



Disability Considerations

Is there an opportunity to better promote positive attitudes towards disabled people by altering this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?



Is there an opportunity to encourage participation by disabled people in public life by altering this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?




Screening Decision

Likely Impact None

If the decision is to subject the policy to an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact – Major), please provide details of the reasons for this:

If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact = Minor) the Council should consider if the policy should be mitigated or an alternative policy be introduced: 

If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact = None), please provide details of the reasons for this:

No impacts have been found. 
However, the consultation process will support the identification of any impacts and potential mitigation measures.


When the Council concludes that the likely impact is ‘Minor’ and an equality impact assessment is not to be conducted, the Council may consider mitigation to lessen the severity of any equality impact, or the introduction of an alternative policy to better promote equality of opportunity or good relations.
Can the policy/decision be amended or changed or an alternative policy introduced to better promote equality of opportunity and/or good relations?


If YES, give the reasons to support your decision, together with the proposed changes/amendments or alternative policy:

Potential impacts identified have been be mitigated by the inclusion of various communication measures.
However, the consultation process will support the identification of any further impacts or mitigation measures necessary.


Timetabling And Prioritising

If the policy/decision has been ‘screened in’ for equality impact assessment, then please answer the following questions to determine its priority for timetabling the equality impact assessment.
On a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the lowest priority and 3 the highest, assess the policy in terms of its priority for equality impact assessment.

Priority Criterion
Rating (1 to 3)
Effect on equality of opportunity and good relations  N/A
Social Need  N/A
Effect on people’s daily lives  N/A
Relevance to the Council’s functions  N/A

Please outline proposals for future monitoring of the policy/decision:

As the said land will be disposed of, their will be no monitoring required.

However, the disposal process will be monitored every 2-years in align with Council policy. 

Approval And Authorisation

Screened By:  Asset Realisation Officer    2 February 2022

Approved By:  Head of Department - Capital Works, Energy & Infrastructure    2 February 2022