Community Plan Equality Screening Document B - Part 3 Screening Decision

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Part 3: Screening decision

A Better Future Together plan for Causeway Coast and Glens does not require a full Equality Impact Assessment to be completed.


8. If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment, please provide details of the reasons.

A Better Future Together plan for Causeway Coast and Glens has no differential impact on any Section 75 group and no direct impact on equality of opportunity or on good relations.


9. If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment the public authority should consider if the policy should be mitigated or an alternative policy introduced.

By producing an outcomes focused Community Plan, and associated Delivery Plan Causeway Coast and Glens will be a great place to live, work and visit.  The Community Plan and Delivery Plan will work towards the achievement of three population outcomes.

All people of Causeway Coast and Glens:

  • Will contribute to and benefit from a healthy, connected and safe community that nurtures resilience, promotes respect and supports everyone to live well together;
  • Will value and benefit from a diverse, sustainable and accessible environment with an infrastructure that is fit for purpose and that enables connections;
  • Will contribute to and benefit from a thriving economy built on a culture of growth, entrepreneurship, innovation, and learning.

The outcomes-based approach assists in supporting an increased focus on people’s personal wellbeing via the increased use of evidence-based decision making.
While this has no direct impact on equality or good relations it is anticipated that the impact of A Better Future Together plan will be positive for individuals and groups benefitting from subsidiary action plan, strategies, policies, and programmes.  For this reason, it is not considered necessary to mitigate the impact of the exercise, or to bring forward an alternative plan.


10. If the decision is to subject the plan to an equality impact assessment, please provide 

Not applicable


11. Can the plan be amended or changed, or an alternative plan introduced to better promote equality of opportunity and/or good relations? If so, give the reasons to support your decision, together with the proposed changes/amendments or alternative plan.

Not applicable