Community Plan Rural Proofing Report - Document C, Section 3 & 4
Section 3:
Consulting Has the consultation
response identified any potential
different impacts on terms of rural
areas/communities? The engagement process undertaken prior to development of the Community
Plan identified a range of issues affecting the residents of Causeway Coast and
Glens. Some of these issues such as access to public/sustainable transport
networks, social isolation, access to services and facilities are more pronounced in
rural areas. This informed the prioritisation of issues during the development of
more specific strategic actions (Delivery Plan). Examples of which include but
are limited to: Local Housing Need, Local Transport, Age Friendly Strategy,
Loneliness Network, Anti-Poverty, collaborative working for Children and
Young People and protection of natural heritage, led by DAERA.
Can you demonstrate how you have targeted and fully engaged with
rural stakeholders during consultation?
Rural residents have been engaged through face-to-face meetings via our
libraries, consultation drop-in sessions in rural and urban settings and
public/ elected members questionnaire.
Can you identify rural responses by nature of their concerns and issues?
Individuals attending our libraries consultation drop-in sessions continue to
highlight issues such as access to public/sustainable transport networks,
social isolation, access to services and facilities and more so currently due
to the current cost of living crisis.
Section 4:
Monitoring and Outcomes Have you any rural specific indicators that have been set to monitor
your policy implementation?
The indicators which have been set for the Community Plan are, in general,
at a whole population level.
Will the outcomes of the policy meet your set objectives in rural areas?
Given the evidence driven approach which Causeway Coast and Glens
Community Planning Partnership has taken, there is no reason to believe
that the outcomes will be met to any less a degree in rural areas than in
other parts of the Borough. As mentioned some of the actions contained
with the Delivery Plan are likely to benefit rural communities and citizens.
Examples of which include but are limited to: Local Housing Need, Local
Transport, Age Friendly Strategy, Loneliness Network, Anti-Poverty,
collaborative working for Children and Young People and protection of
natural heritage, led by DAERA.
Describe your process for effective impact evaluation on rural issues.
The process for monitoring progress of the Community Plan and Delivery
Plan is through quarterly reporting and updates by Delivery Plan action
leads to the Community Planning Strategic Partnership via the
outcomes-based approach. Additionally, a Statement of Progress is
produced every two years to assess progress.
Appendix 1 – List of Population Outcomes and Intermediate Outcomes and Delivery Plan Actions
Appendix 2 – List of Statutory Partners
Appendix 3 – Geographical area covered by Causeway Coast and Glens