Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan Equality Screening Available Evidence Part 2
S75 Equality And Good Relations Screening Form
The Census information in 2011 & 2021 showed:
People With or Without Dependents (Census 2021 – Table MS-B12):
Census 2011 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Number of households (2021 stats) 57,576 768,810
Households with dependent children
(2011 stats) 15,597 (28.37%) 261,251 (36.19%)
Staff Family Status (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
Family Status Number of staff
Blank 298 (49.26%)
Adults(s) 11 (1.82%)
Child/Children 157 (25.95%)
None 138 (22.81%)
Other 1 (0.16%)
Total 605
The actions in the plan will support individuals of all ages who have elderly dependents to access information. Feedback from extensive consultation process suggests that this project may have a positive impact on this Section 75 group who care for elderly dependents.
People with a Disability/People Without:
(Census 2021 Tables MS-D03 and MS-D04)
Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
People with a long-term
condition/illness 30,656 (53.24%) 423,945 (55.14%)
People Without 90,793 (64.05%) 1,243,371 (65.33%)
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Long-term Condition
Deafness or partial hearing loss 8,914 (6.29%)
Blindness or partial sight 2,560 (1.81%)
Mobility or dexterity that requires the use of a wheelchair 2,145 (1.51%)
Mobility or dexterity that limits physical activities 15,951 (11.25%)
Intellectual or learning disability 1,340 (0.95%)
Intellectual or learning difficulty 4,334 (3.06%)
Autism or Asperger syndrome 2,282 (1.61%)
An emotional, psychological or mental health condition 11,787 (8.32%)
Frequent periods of confusion or memory loss 2,681 (1.89%)
Long term pain or discomfort 17,396 (12.27%)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 14,525 (10.25%)
Other condition 13,214 (9.32%)
Source: NISRA, Census 2021, tables MS-D03, MS-D04 through to MS-D16
Staff breakdown by Disability (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
With or Without a Disability Number of staff
No 591 (97.69%)
Yes 14 (2.31%)
Total 605
Feedback from extensive consultation process suggests that this project will have a positive impact on older people in this Section 75 group. This is because of the accessible age friendly events and projects to reduce loneliness for older people with disabilities.
As detailed under the outcome, Older people in the Borough have opportunities to improve their health and wellbeing and can access appropriate services, the following action has been developed:
1d. Reduce loneliness among looked-after older people, disabled older people and older people with dementia.
Under the outcome, Older people in the Borough can access relevant knowledge and information, the following action has been developed:
4e. Maximise the accessibility and inclusivity of age-friendly events, publications, websites, and listings including, for example, translation.
These specific targeted communications will support residents with or without a disability to access key information and work towards making their elder years the best that they can be.