Review of Community Development Strategy 2023-26 Rural Needs Assessment

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Review of Community Development Strategy 2023-26 Rural Needs Assessment


Defining the activity subject to Section 1(1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016


1A. Name of Public Authority.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council


1B. Please provide a short title which describes the activity being undertaken by the Public Authority that is subject to Section 1(1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016.

Review of Community Development Strategy 2023-26


1C. Please indicate which category the activity specified in Section 1B above relates to.

Developing a strategy.


1D. Please provide the official title (if any) of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service document or initiative relating to the category indicated in Section 1C above.

Draft Community Development Strategy 2023-26



1E. Please provide details of the aims and/or objectives of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service.

The Community Development Strategy guides how Council supports the community and voluntary sector and supports and promotes community development practice in the Borough over the next 3 years.  The Strategy provides a framework for Council’s continued investment in strengthening local communities, increasing community participation and promoting social inclusion throughout Causeway Coast and Glens.


1F. What definition of ‘rural’ is the Public Authority using in respect of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service?


Population Settlements of less than 5,000 (Default definition).

Details of alternative definition of ‘rural’ used.   N/A


Rationale for using alternative definition of ‘rural’.   N/A


Reasons why a definition of ‘rural’ is not applicable.   N/A


Understanding the impact of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service


2A. Is the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service likely to impact on people in rural areas?

Yes                  If the response is NO GO TO Section 2E.


2B. Please explain how the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to impact on people in rural areas.

Using the default position of population living in settlements of less than 5,000, a large proportion of the borough of Causeway Coast and Glens is classified as rural. (Towns with a population of 5,000 and over being Coleraine, Ballymoney, Limavady, Ballycastle, Portstewart, Portrush).

The Strategy lays out how Council will contribute towards strengthening local communities, increasing community participation and promoting social inclusion throughout Causeway Coast and Glens.

The three outcomes of the Strategy are:

Our Communities will be Resourced and Confident
Our Communities will be Connected
Our Communities will be Fair and Inclusive

As such the projects and programmes undertaken through the associated Action Plan will support rural communities to identify their needs, build on their strengths and take collective action to improve the quality of lives within their communities. 

An issue that featured significantly in the consultation process was transport and access to services in rural areas.  Projects in the Action Plan are aimed at addressing this need including grant funding that can contribute to transport costs and social inclusion activities as well as support to local community organisations that want to take collective action to address these issues.


2C. If the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to impact on people in rural areas differently from people in urban areas, please explain how it is likely to impact on people in rural areas differently.

The Strategy will contribute towards strengthening communities and addressing the disadvantages faced within communities across the Borough.  Although it will not impact more or less in rural areas than urban areas, it will contribute towards addressing the particular issues and challenges that rural communities face and also building upon the unique strengths and assets of rural communities.


2D. Please indicate which of the following rural policy areas the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to primarily impact on.

Education or Training, Health or Social Care Services, Poverty, Deprivation in Rural Areas and Rural Development.

If the response to Section 2A was YES GO TO Section 3A.



2E. Please explain why the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is NOT likely to impact on people in rural areas.




Identifying the Social and Economic Needs of Persons in Rural Areas


3A. Has the Public Authority taken steps to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas that are relevant to the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service?

Yes           If the response is NO GO TO Section 3E.

3B. Please indicate which of the following methods or information sources were used by the Public Authority to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.

Consultation with Rural Stakeholders
Published Statistics 
Consultation with Other Organisations
Surveys or Questionnaires


3C. Please provide details of the methods and information sources used to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas including relevant dates, names of organisations, titles of publications, website references, details of surveys or consultations undertaken etc.

The Community Development Strategy 2020-23 involved extensive engagement with a series of workshops which rural community organisation participated in. For the refresh of the Strategy the following engagement was undertaken and information sources used:

Structured interviews with 14 community groups in receipt of Council grants, 10 of which were rural based organisations

Dromboughil Community Association
Gortnahey Community Association
Dervock & District Community Association
Ballymaconnelly Renewal Group
Cloughmills Community Action Team
Burnfoot Community Development Association
Cushendun Building Preservation Trust
Castlerock Community Association
Friends of Glenariff
Ballintoy Young at Heart Club

Reflection sessions – 2 sessions with recipients of Community Festivals Fund, Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and Sustainable Food Programme, which included rural based organisations
Log of issues and support needs from ongoing engagement with community groups
Funding Needs Survey – 50 respondents
Survey of Community Facility Providers – 38 respondents
Good Relations Audit and Strategy 2023 findings
PeacePlus DEA consultation findings
Loneliness in Northern Ireland A Call to Action: Report written by the Campaign to End Loneliness in collaboration with the Action Group on Loneliness Policy (December 2020)
A House of Commons Library Research Briefing, “Rising cost of living in the UK” (published 2nd June 2023).

Documentation from DAERA website was considered including Key Rural Issues, Northern Ireland 2023


3D. Please provide details of the social and economic needs of people in rural areas which have been identified by the Public Authority?

Through the consultation process for development of the initial Community Development Strategy and the subsequent refresh, the following are the social and economic needs that were specifically evident in rural areas:

Greater levels of social isolation
Poor provision of facilities for leisure activities, sporting activities, training, health etc
Longer distance to travel to access Council facilities
Longer distance to travel to access health and other facilities
Longer time spent commuting to employment
Poor public transport links
Increased costs for groups as a result of transport hire costs
Higher prevalence of poverty among older people in rural areas than urban
Poor broadband and in some cases mobile phone coverage, although this is improving
Most Council provided community centres are in urban areas (although this differs between legacy Council area) so many rural community groups provide their own community centres, the costs of which are becoming increasingly difficult to sustain.


If the response to Section 3A was YES GO TO Section 4A.



3E. Please explain why no steps were taken by the Public Authority to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas?




Considering the Social and Economic Needs of Persons in Rural Areas


4A. Please provide details of the issues considered in relation to the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.

Consideration was given to how best to deliver services, programmes and projects that were accessible to rural community groups, in terms of venues for and times of provision eg advice drop in  times provision, community group training etc. 

Consideration was also given as to how best to support rural community groups to address the needs identified in Section 3D using a community development approach- carrying out community engagement activities, identifying needs and solutions, connecting with Council and statutory bodies, lobbying, developing projects, securing funding etc

An Anti-Poverty Action Plan has been developed as one of the actions in the CD Action Plan and this includes ensuring that barriers to accessing services are considered and addressed and this is something that Council is considering along with the service delivery partners such as advice centre, foodbanks, social supermarkets and fuel support providers.



Influencing the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service


5A. Has the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or delivery of the Public Service, been influenced by the rural needs identified?

Yes      If the response is NO GO TO Section 5C.


5B. Please explain how the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or delivery of the Public Service, has been influenced by the rural needs identified.

The development of the draft Community Development Strategy has been influenced by the needs of communities across Causeway Coast and Glens whether they are defined by geography, identity or interest. Because of the significant rural nature of Causeway Coast and Glens the needs of rural communities are particularly to the fore. The needs identified specific to rural areas such as access to services, poor transport links, increased cost of delivering services and providing community facilities have influenced the development of the Strategy and design of the associated Action Plan.

Consideration was given to how best to deliver services, programmes and projects that were accessible to rural community groups, in terms of venues for and times of provision eg advice drop in  times provision, community group training etc. 

Consideration was also given as to how best to support rural community groups to address local needs using a community development approach- carrying out community engagement activities, identifying needs and solutions, connecting with Council and statutory bodies, lobbying, developing projects, securing funding etc

An Anti-Poverty Action Plan has been developed as one of the actions in the CD Action Plan and this includes ensuring that barriers to accessing services are considered and addressed and this is something that Council is considering along with the service delivery partners such as advice centre, foodbanks, social supermarkets and fuel support providers.




5C. Please explain why the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or the delivery of the Public Service, has NOT been influenced by the rural needs identified.




Documenting and Recording


6A. Please tick below to confirm that the RNIA Template will be retained by the Public Authority and relevant information on the Section 1 activity compiled in accordance with paragraph 6.7 of the guidance.


I confirm that the RNIA Template will be retained and relevant information compiled.  


Rural Needs Impact Assessment undertaken by:    Community Development Manager

Division/Branch    Leisure & Development/ Community & Culture

Date:   04.11.23


Rural Needs Impact Assessment approved by:   Head of Service

Division/Branch    Community & Culture

Date:  04.11.23