Landfill Communities Fund

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The Landfill Communities Fund (LCF)

The LCF is a tax credit scheme which allows Landfill Operators to contribute a portion of the monies they pay as landfill tax directly to approved organisations called Environmental Bodies (EBs) to fund community and environmental projects in the vicinity of landfill sites. 

Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council is a Landfill Operator and works in partnership with Ulster Wildlife by making contributions to the LCF to support projects which create benefits for communities living near landfill sites.

In order to be eligible for grant-aid projects must be located within a ten mile radius (as the crow flies) of licensed active landfill sites within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.  For the purposes of this grant programme Council will consider applications from projects located within a 10 mile radius of the following licensed active landfill sites:

  • Craigahulliar Landfill site, 45 Craigahulliar Road, Portrush BT56 8NN
  • Crakigmore Landfill Site, Craigmore Road, Garvagh, BT51 5HF

A grant of 75% of total project costs to a maximum of £15,000 and a minimum of £5,000 will be available  to individual projects.   

Applicants can apply to one of the following three Programmes:

(All projects must demonstrate how they provide protection for the built, natural or social environment). 

  1. Public Amenity Programme applications must satisfy the requirements of LCF Object D – Public Parks and Amenities.  The focus must be to undertake direct physical works on a park/amenity which must be open to the general public a minimum of four evenings or two days a week or 104 days a year
  2. Organisations applying for funding from the Public Amenity Programme will have to demonstrate how their project: 
  3. Contributes to the provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or other public amenity (examples include community centres, village halls, public sporting facilities, cycle and walking paths); and

Assists with furthering the Council’s priorities of enhancing health and wellbeing and empowering local people to take ownership of projects in their community

Biodiversity Conservation and Enhancement Programme applications must satisfy the requirements of LCF Object DA - Conservation of Biodiversity.  Project costs must relate solely to the conservation of the species or habitat and the works must be carried out on a site where the species or habitat naturally occurs

Organisations applying for funding from the Biodiversity Conservation and Enhancement Programme will have to demonstrate how their project contributes to the protection of the environment, conservation or promotion of biological diversity through:

The provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of any of the naturalhabitats selected for local priority action namely- coastal, grassland and farmland, marine, peatland  and heathland , urban, woodland and wetland;or

The conservationof a species in its natural habitat, on land or in water selected for local priority action namely-harbour porpoise, swift, barn owl, yellowhammer, otter, fish (Atlantic salmon and brown trout), scarce crimson and gold, red squirrel, bumblebee and bats

Restoration Programme applications must satisfy the requirements of LCF Object E – Restoration of Religious Buildings orBuildings of Architectural or Historical Interest.  The intention should be to maintain, repair or restore either a place of worship, or a building or structure with a listed status or equivalent, where the general public have access. This object does not permit new works or works to private residences

Organisations applying for funding from the Restoration Programme will have to demonstrate how their project: 

is for the maintenance, repair or restoration of a building or structure which is a place of religious worship or of historical or architectural interest;and

protects the built environment in which we live and empowers local people to take ownership of projects in their community.

For advice on eligibility of your project for the relevant Landfill Communities Fund programme  please contact Erin McGarry at Ulster Wildlife Trust on 07816065778 or  

How to Apply

To apply for any of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Councils grants please apply online here