Neighbourhood Renewal

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In June 2003, Government launched Neighbourhood Renewal - People and Place.  Neighbourhoods in the most deprived 10% of wards across Northern Ireland were identified using the Noble Multiple Deprivation Measure.  Following extensive consultation, this resulted in a total of 36 areas, and a population of approximately 280,000 (one person in 6 in Northern Ireland), being targeted for intervention. In the Causeway Coast and Glens area there are 2 Neighbourhood Renewal areas, Coleraine and Limavady. Neighbourhood Partnerships have been established in each Neighbourhood Renewal Area as a vehicle for local planning and implementation. Each Neighbourhood Partnership may include representatives of key political, statutory, voluntary, community and private sector stakeholders. Together, they have developed long term visions and action plans designed to improve the quality of life for those living in the area. 

This Government initiative sits with the Department for Communities and is aimed at addressing social, economic, and environmental issues within deprived communities. It focuses on improving the quality of life for residents in these areas by targeting various aspects such as housing, employment, health, education, and community infrastructure. This could include initiatives such as physically upgrading housing estate areas, providing job training and employment opportunities, enhancing healthcare services, improving educational facilities, and revitalising community spaces. Overall, Neighbourhood Renewal aims to tackle inequalities and promote social inclusion by empowering communities to actively participate in the regeneration process and by fostering partnerships between different sectors to maximise impact and sustainability.

For more information on the overall Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Renewal programme.