Burning Waste/Bonfires
Burning waste can be illegal
Bonfires should not cause nuisance to neighbours
The burning of waste or bonfires can affect our environment and cause a smoke nuisance to our neighbours. Environmental Health can be of assistance in the following:
Garden bonfires or burning of waste from domestic properties that is regular and causes repeated smoke nuisance at any other property. If Council is satisfied that the smoke is causing a nuisance it shall serve an Abatement Notice on the person responsible requiring them to reduce or cease the burning.
Any burning at a business or commercial premises that causes black smoke – This is an offence under the Clean Air (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 (The maximum fine in court for this is £5,000).
The following may be investigated by other Statutory Agencies
Any burning of waste from a business or commercial property - It is an offence under Waste Management Legislation for a business to dispose of its waste by burning it.
Any burning of waste from a farm - For further information see NIEA Agricultural Waste Guidance. Any burning of waste that causes smoke to affect visibility for motorists and cause danger should be reported to the Police Service.
Advice for Businesses - How to dispose of Tyres see leaflet
Any complaints made to this Department will be investigated under Council’s Enforcement Policy.
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Email: environmentalhealth@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk