
Tender Notice - The supply and delivery of (1) ONE NO.Tractor 100BHP.

Tender Notice - The supply and delivery of (1) ONE NO.Tractor 100BHP.

Fri, November 06, 2015

Tender Notice - The supply and delivery of (1) ONE NO.Tractor 100BHP.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council invites tenders for: The supply and delivery of (1) ONE NO.Tractor 100BHP.
Tender documents may be obtained from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Headquarters at Cloonavin or by telephoning 028 7034 7034 or by clicking HERE
Tender/proposals should be returned to the undersigned in a sealed envelope clearly marked TENDER – One No. Tractor 100BHP to arrive not later than 12 noon on Friday 04/12/2015. The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender received.

David Jackson
Clerk and Chief Executive

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