Public Consultation
Why are we consulting?
On 01 October 2024, the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) made a Statutory Rule, The Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024, which enables councils to publish a Planning Application Validation Checklist. The legislation comes into operation on 01 April 2025 providing councils with time to prepare and consult upon their proposed statutory validation checklists.
What is a Planning Application Validation Checklist?
The Planning Application Validation Checklist sets out the information, plans or evidence which must be submitted with your planning application to make it a ‘valid’ application and enable it to be processed.
The new legislation which comes into operation on 01 April 2025 enables councils to increase the information required to be submitted to make an application ‘valid’.
Who we are consulting?
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is seeking your views on a draft Planning Application Validation Checklist. The Planning Application Validation Checklist will set out the information, plans or evidence which must be submitted with your planning application. The consultation response will take less than 10 minutes to complete.
How long will the consultation period last and how do I respond?
The consultation period will run for 12 weeks from 27 January to 24 April 2025. Responses received after 24 April 2025 will not be considered.
Please respond to this consultation via the link below or by printing a hard copy and emailing to or posting to Planning Department, Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine BT52 1EY. Alternatively, you can contact Planning Reception on 028 7034 7100 and we will assist you to complete a response over the telephone.
Once the consultation period closes, we will consider the comments received before a final statutory Planning Application Validation Checklist is implemented.
Complete the survey by clicking on the following link or complete the survey box below.
Alternatively you can scan the QR code below:
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