This website is managed by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.
We’re working hard to make sure our website is as accessible as possible, however we're not responsible for the accessibility of any third party applications used on our website.
You may need to customise your experience to suit your individual needs. We have some features to help you get the most from your experience:

BrowseAloud provides speech, reading and translation support for our website.
To start using it, please click on the BrowseAloud icon at the top right of the page .
Alternative text
We try to make sure that all images on this site have brief alternative text which, where appropriate, identifies an image or its function. This alternative text (alt-text) is generally only visible when the browser's automatic image loading feature is turned off, or when you rollover an image with your mouse.
All text links are written so that they make sense when read out of context.
Downloading documents
There are a number of Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) and Microsoft Word documents on the website. We try to tag as many of our PDFs as possible, subject to resources, for basic accessibility. This allows them to be read by speech browsers. We also try to provide an alternative text-only Word document version of a PDF. If you are having trouble opening these files you may need additional software:
For Adobe PDFs, download the latest Adobe Reader software (opens in a new window)
For more information about PDF accessibility, please visit the Adobe PDF accessibility section
For Microsoft Word documents, download the latest Word Viewer software (opens in a new window)
If you need extra help
If you need extra help in using computers, the web and assistive technologies, we recommend you visit BBC My Web, My Way (opens in a new window). This site has videos and information to help you use the accessibility features of your computer and shows how to make it easier to use the web.
Accessibility limitations
While we've tried to make sure this site is accessible, you may encounter some limitations, for example when viewing Google Maps or some of our videos. If you do find there are parts of the website that are inaccessible, please email
Let us know if you are having difficulties
If you have any difficulty using our website or spot any problems, please email We’re happy to hear from you and your feedback will help us to make our site better. If you need some advice on what to write, please read this guide (opens in a new window).
Accessibility statement
This site follows the accessibility guidelines issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB). We aim to meet Level AA of the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines.
Please note, we are not responsible for the accessibility of third-party tools and elements used on this website.
This accessibility information was last updated on 20 October 2015.