In the Prosperity and Place Team, we manage the following:

  • Our Prosperity - Council’s business support service and labour market programmes.
  • Our Place - Physical regeneration and strategic investment projects for the Borough’s towns, villages, people and infrastructure

Our work is guided by an Economic Strategy, which runs until 2035, and is reviewed annually.

  • Economic development planning is not only a cornerstone of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council's ethos, it enables us to engage community leaders, leverage involvement of the private sector, and establish a strategic blueprint for regional collaboration.
  • The Prosperity and Place team provides the foundation from which the public sector, working in conjunction with other economic stakeholders, can create the environment for regional economic prosperity.
  • The current focus of this Economic Strategy is “Recovery and Renewal”, reflecting the difficult times which COVID has placed the business community in. Our work will focus on supporting small businesses and developing the Borough’s resilience in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic.
  • Ulster University's Economic Policy Centre assists Council to identify key areas requiring support through their snapshot of the local economy.
  • A Northern Ireland economic commentary is available from the Department for the Economy, three times a year

Please Note: While Council will occasionally run small grant programmes, we are unable to offer financial assistance to companies on an individual basis.

Please keep in touch to find out about new programmes as they open.

Economic Strategy

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If you would like further information, please contact us