PEACEPLUS - What is it?
PEACEPLUS is a new European Union funding programme designed to support Peace & prosperity across Northern Ireland and the Border Counties of Ireland, building upon the previous PEACE and INTERREG programmes. The design reflects the importance of peace-building activity but also the importance of actions that will contribute positively to the economy, build prosperity, and adjust to the increasing challenges we face in society.
From the graphic below, you can see that PEACEPLUS has been divided along 6 thematic themes, which each theme subdivided in additional areas of interest.
The PEACEPLUS Local Action Plan will be delivered under Theme 1 of the overall PEACEPLUS Programme “Building Peaceful & Thriving Communities” as 1.1 Co-Designed Local Community Peace Action Plans. This will be one of 17 Local Action Plans, 11 in Northern Ireland delivered by local Councils and 6 in Ireland delivered by the County Councils.
In total the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council PEACEPLUS Partnership will be able to apply for up to £6.1 million to deliver their local action plan.