A delicious evening of food and theatre, inspired by Seamus Heaney, made locally and brought to you by Big Telly Theatre Company and Paula McIntyre MBE

Flowerfield Arts Centre is delighted to host a unique evening of food and theatre inspired by the work of Seamus Heaney on Saturday 15th February.

Chef Paula McIntyre and Big Telly Theatre Company will present a show inspired by a mutual love of Heaney’s poetry including ‘Bogland’ ‘Kinship’ and ‘Blackberry Picking’, with the added provenance of Causeway Coast theatre and cooking.

The event is a mix of two short pieces of work based on scripts by Nicola McCartney, written for the 2009 production of ‘Bog People’, alongside great conversation from Paula as she demonstrates the preparation of soda bread, salmon and a some other mouth-watering delicacies for the audience to enjoy. It’s an experimental mix of entertainment and the audience will be the first to enjoy this experience up close in cabaret style surroundings.

Big Telly’s artistic director Zoe Seaton said: “Big Telly loves to experiment. We’d been talking to Paula about working together for ages and with her Taste of Heaney show we just realised that together, we could celebrate some of his beautiful work and the local food he often wrote about. We’re delighted to be at Flowerfield Arts Centre to present this to a home audience.”

There are two shows to choose from on Saturday 15th February at 5pm or 8pm. Capacity is limited, and tickets can be booked at Eventbrite.co.uk.

For further details about all Big Telly shows including booking go to www.big-telly.com