Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council recently appointed PlayBoard NI to support the development of a Play Strategy for the area.

As part of the strategy development process PlayBoard will be:

  • Conducting a play value audit of all 99 fixed play areas and making recommendations regarding the enhancement of play value
  • Reviewing the current geographical coverage provided by fixed play areas to identify gaps in provision (based on population need)
  • Establishing a series of criteria to guide future fixed play development
  • Establishing quality standards aimed at ensuring high play value in all future fixed play area developments
  • Providing guidance on the development of non-fixed community based play approaches (for example training for play volunteers, establishment of community play pods etc.)

A key part of the process will be engaging with children and young people, parents and carers and wider community organisations to gather your views and opinions on play provision across the council.

This will be undertaken through a combination of online surveys (which will be made available shortly), a number of public engagement events (dates and locations to be confirmed) and dedicated focus groups for children and young people.

We will be making more information available shortly on how you can participate in, and help to shape this important piece of work.

In the meantime if you have any queries please contact or Alan Herron at PlayBoard NI (
