Business Events
Get Ready for Call 4 of Digital Transformation Flexible Fund
13 December 2024
Start Time:
Description: The Digital Transformation Flexible Fund (DTFF) is a demand led grant scheme aimed at establishing a Northern Ireland wide fund to stimulate digital innovation.
It seeks to address the financial barriers to the adoption of advanced digital technologies as a means to achieve business transformation amongst small and micro businesses.
DTFF will provide up to £7.5 million of funding for businesses to invest in advanced digital technologies and capital equipment (hardware, software/bespoke system development). It is underpinned by funding from the City and Growth Deal Complementary Fund, DAERA and the Derry and Strabane Growth Deal.
DTFF capital investments are wholly in the ‘innovation arena’. They will enable business transformation rather than ‘digitisation’ of existing business models or operations.
Visit the DTFF website to find out more, including applicant eligibility, project eligibility and the technologies funded.
You can find support TODAY to develop your Digital Transformation Plan, even if the DTFF is currently closed to new Expressions of Interest. It is anticipated that it will re-open in early 2025.
You can also join the Supporting Digital Transformation Webinar series happening in October and November across 8 sessions
Target Audience: Any business owner wishing to apply for the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund
Organising Company: Digital Transformation Flexible Fund and all 11 Councils within NI
Booking Link: