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Business Events

Managing Stress in the Workplace - (Level 5 Award in Leadership & Management)

Managing Stress in the Workplace - (Level 5 Award in Leadership & Management)

Start Date: 05/03/2025

Start Time: 18:00

End Time: 21:00


Are you looking to become an Effective Leader and Manage Stress & Conflict in the Workplace?

Take part in this 11-week online course and find out how!

If you are a NI SME or Social Enterprise with less than 250 employees you may be able to avail of reduced funding.

Target Audience: Aimed at Business Owners/Managers looking to become Effective Leader and Manager Stress & Conflict in the Workplace.

Organising Company: North West Regional College


Telephone: 7436839960

Venue: NWRC Strand Road Campus

Town: Derry ~ Londonderry

Postcode: BT48 7AL

Booking Link:

Event Cost: £81