Work Well Live Well programmes to support businesses

Work well both delivery agencies

The Public Health Agency funded 'Work Well Live Well' initiative invites new organisations to sign up for its free Health & Wellbeing Support Service.

Now in its 5th year the initiative has supported over 950 organisations in Northern Ireland with their employees wellbeing.

The initiative provides organisations with:-

  • An opportunity to complete an evidence-based and employee wide health & wellbeing survey to identify areas of priority;
  • A comprehensive and informative report outlining the health of employees;
  • Health Champions online training
  • FREE Mental Health First Aid Training
  • Networking Opportunities

There are two delivery partners for the initiative. Derry Healthy Communities which covers the Western Health Trust area and NI Chest Heart & Stroke which covers the other 4 Trust areas.

Please choose your area

Northern Trust e.g. Ballycastle, Ballymoney and Coleraine areas

Western Trust e.g. Limavady, Dungiven, Ballykelly, Greysteel areas