18th October 2023

18th October 2023
Attend our virtual Dementia Information Programme on Zoom
An online series of free talks and information sessions for anyone who cares for someone with dementia, has a family member or friend with dementia or anyone who has questions about dementia.
Tuesday 7 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am
What is Dementia? Dr John McIlvenna – Consultant Psychiatrist, NHSCT
Tuesday 14 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am
Disability Action – Driving Assessments
Tuesday 21 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am
Wills & Offerings Tori Neely, Alzheimer’s Society
Tuesday 28 November 2023 10.30am–11.30am
Carers Hub NI Claire Campbell, Carers Co-Ordinator, NHSCT
To book or to find out more, please phone: 07710 119366 or email: alison.adams@alzheimers.org.uk
5th September 2023

27th July 2023 Advance Care Planning Workshop - CRUN 13th September 2023

Advanced Care Planning awareness session
Wed 13th Sep during palliative care week (10-16 Sep)
CRUN Community Hub, 1 Brooke Street, Coleraine
This training is aimed at staff/volunteers in groups that will be working with members of the public. It will be facilitated by the Palliative Care Service Improvement Team, NHSCT and Compassionate Communities NI.
The DoH launched a new ACP policy in 2022 to equip and encourage any adult 18+ to start conversations around Advance Care Planning. See link to webpage and resources
Advance Care Planning: For Now and For the Future | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk)
Advance Care Planning is an umbrella term covering personal, legal, clinical, and financial planning. It is important for all adults, whatever stage of life. Although Advance Care Planning has traditionally been associated with end of life care, it goes beyond this. As well as supporting decisions in declining health and unexpected emergencies, the opportunity it provides to reflect and consider what is important to the person can enhance their quality of life. It may also provide comfort and reassurance to those important to the person.
There are many practical things people can do at any stage of life. Some things only take a few minutes eg our lives are mostly online now – if you were unwell could loved ones access banking for you, what about your social media accounts, what about pets or children – there are lots of things you could think about.
We are providing an awareness session. It will give an overview of Advance Care Planning :–
- why it is important,
- different areas that people can consider
- advice on resources that can be used if people want to start conversations
- further learning resources and signposting for more information/support
As it is palliative care week, we will also show some new palliative resources available for those with palliative conditions including a new services directory for the public on palliative care services in the NHSCT.
For more info or to book your place, please contact:
13th July 2023 Age Friendly Focus Groups & Drop In Events - Libraries NI July/August 2023

11th December 2023
Homelessness Awareness Week 2023
Causeway Local Area Group
Dear all,
To mark Homelessness Awareness Week 2023, the Housing Executive has worked in partnership with our colleagues within the Causeway Area to produce ‘Stories by the Stones’, which is a series of short films featuring local individuals talking about their own personal experiences of homelessness and also with local providers discussing the support which is available in the Causeway area.
We are pleased to share the following link to the films below;
Stories by the Stones – Homelessness Awareness Week - YouTube
Also, please find a link to a series of other short films produced by the Housing Executive to mark Homelessness Awareness Week this year.
Homelessness Awareness Week 2023 - YouTube
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to members of the Causeway Homelessness Local Area Group for your support and contributions throughout the year. We would like to send a special thank you in particular to the individuals who contributed to the ‘Stories from the Stones’ video.
All videos have and will be shared on the Housing Executive social media channels across the week. A number of the videos are yet to be released on our social media channels and once they have been released we would welcome you to share the posts via your own organisations social media channels.
We will be in contact in due course to confirm the date of the next Causeway Area Homelessness Local Area Group and in the meantime if you have any queries please feel to contact the Homelessness Strategy inbox:
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
Homelessness Strategy Team
18th October 2023
15th December 2023
Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Statement of Progress November 2023
Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Strategic Partnership welcome you to our third Statement of Progress. This is a local partnership of statutory and community partners all working together to improve people’s lives across the Causeway Coast and Glens area.

Gary Mullan Community Planning Officer CCGBC, Chief Inspector Vince Redmond (Temporary) Vice Chair CCGs CP Strategic Partnership, Elizabeth Beattie Head of Policy & Community Planning CCGBC and Cllr. Dermot Nicholl Chair CCGs CP Strategic Partnership
In November 2021 , the Partnership completed a review of the Community Plan 2022. This document presented the strategic framework and direction for the continued implementation of community planning within our area. To achieve successful outcomes, we once again revisited and revised our Delivery Plan 2022 to ensure that it is fit for purpose.
This Statement of Progress 2023 report provides an update of the thirty-one actions contained within our revised Delivery Plan 2022. We hope that you will be encouraged at the many successful outcomes achieved over the previous two years. Community engagement and collaborative working with a range of statutory and community partners is at the heart of what we do. Within this context we have included a selection of ‘Good News Stories’ to illustrate the impressive programmes and services being delivered within the Causeway Coast and Glens area.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those organisations and people who have been involved in our community planning work and we hope to enjoy your continued valued support.
Councillor Dermot Nicholl Chair of the Community Planning Partnership
Chief Inspector Louise Cummings (PSNI) Vice Chair
CCGs Community Planning Partnership

Download Statement of Progress 2023 report
10th April 2024
100 Big Lunch Vouchers available to celebrate communities and volunteers in June TheBigLunch.com
Residents, groups and schools across Northern Ireland are being encouraged to come together and sign up for this year’s Big Lunch annual celebration of neighbourhood and communities in June. It’s a great way to recognise and celebrate your volunteers.
Those who register for a free Big Lunch pack at TheBigLunch.com could also be in with a chance of winning one of 100 £20 shopping vouchers to help get their party started and you do not need to be a constituted group or organisation to take part.
Even if you chose to join in by bringing a few neighbours together for a cuppa, everyone is invited to join in at TheBigLunch.com where they can download free resources and top tips. Pop your event on the interactive map before Friday May 10th, whether your event is a huge gathering or just a few people, you could win one of 100 £20 food vouchers.
Grainne McCloskey, Regional Manager at Eden Project Communities, the charity behind The Big Lunch, said: “Community spirit makes a huge difference in helping a neighbourhood thrive and we want to encourage everyone to join in this year in your own way. Whether it is a few neighbours gathering in a kitchen or on the street or a group celebrating its volunteers and shining a light on their progress this year, we want to hear from you. The Big Lunch can also be a great fundraiser, just download the free tools at thebiglunch.com and drop your plans for June onto the map.
“The Big Lunch is about food, friendship and fun. People are the key ingredient, and we all have something to share. Organising something simple and low-cost increases belonging and can help new neighbours feel welcome in their new community. It’s also a great way to celebrate the people who volunteer their time throughout the year to have a positive impact where they live and can also be a simple fundraiser that reaches beyond your usual group.”
The Big Lunch, an idea from Eden Project made possible by The National Lottery, and supported by Iceland The Food Warehouse and Greene King, is part of Month of Community, with organisers encouraging neighbourhoods and groups across Northern Ireland to hold a Big Lunch event to bring their community closer together, fundraise for a good cause, reduce loneliness, spend some time in a local green space or simply get to know each other better.
The winners of the food vouchers will be picked at random from all those registered on the interactive Big Lunch map but hurry and register your details as the competition closes on Friday May 10th.
29th May 2024
Community Planning conference highlights success of collaborative working
Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Partnership has hosted an event to showcase their recent achievements and share examples of how collaborative working between partners has benefited citizens in the Borough.
The conference, held at the Bushtown Hotel, Coleraine at the end of May, included two practical case studies, delivered in collaboration with partners in the public, private and community and voluntary sectors.
Members of the Community Planning Partnership were delighted to hear from the Chief Executive of one of our statutory partners, Grainia Long from Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
Drawing from her diverse experience across the public bodies and charities, Grainia spoke of the importance of acknowledging the journey of community planning to date and the challenges that each partner can face, but also highlighting that these are not insurmountable.
She focussed on what can be achieved by taking a problem-solving approach, taking calculated risks, and having the appropriate experts in the room to work innovatively and creatively to overcome barriers.
The then Mayor Councillor Steven Callaghan welcomed the progress to date saying: “Working with partners in the Borough is key to ensuring we support our communities effectively, thank you to Causeway Coast and Glens Community Planning Partnership for arranging this collaborative showcase event.”
Speaking on behalf of the Anti-Poverty Steering Group, Louise Scullion, Council’s Community Development Manager and Ricky Wright, CEO and founder of Vineyard Compassion provided examples of what had been achieved through collective action, including the ‘Where to Turn’ campaign and grants to assist those experiencing food or fuel insecurity or loneliness.
Marc McGerty from Council’s Labour Market Partnership highlighted the extensive work that had been undertaken by the group. Between 2023 and 2024, the LMP has enabled 383 people to work towards achieving a qualification, with 131 gaining employment or promotion.
Community Planning Partnership Chair Councillor Dermott Nicholl and Vice Chair Vince Redmond PSNI added: “Working collaboratively with our statutory partners and action leads ensured that the day was a great success, with positive feedback from those in attendance noting that the day had left them enthused and reinvigorated about the future of community planning within the Causeway Coast and Glens area.”
For more information on support available visit: https://www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk/live/advice-services
Council’s Where to Turn leaflet can be downloaded here:www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

Pictured at the Community Planning conference in the Bushtown Hotel, Coleraine are (L-R) Elizabeth Beattie, Head of Policy and Community Planning, CCGBC; Marc McGerty; Labour Market Partnership Manager, CCGBC Louise Scullion, Community Development Manager, CCGBC; Gary Mullan, Community Planning Officer, CCGBC; Grainia Long, Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Ricky Wright, CEO and founder of Vineyard Compassion and Bebhinn McKinley, Community Planning Officer, CCGBC.

Julie Welsh, Head of Service for Community and Culture, CCGBC; Louise Clarke, Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Elizabeth Beattie, Head of Policy and Community Planning, CCGBC and Pat Mulvenna, Director of Leisure and Development, CCGBC at the Community Planning conference.

Members of the Causeway Community Planning Strategic Partnership at the Community Planning conference which took place at the Bushtown Hotel, Coleraine.

Leah Glass, Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trust; Avril Sharkey, Department for Communities; Simon Sloan, Department for Communities; Michael McCafferty, PCSP Officer, CCGBC; Liam Hinphey, Age Friendly Coordinator, CCGBC; Elizabeth Craig, Multi-Disciplinary Team; Bronagh Crory, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Roger Downey, Sport & Wellbeing Development Unit Manager, CCGBC.
25th July 2024

25th July 2024

The Department of Justice is seeking to appoint a Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.
The Ombudsman has oversight of investigating complaints from prisoners, visitors to prisoners, and deaths in Prison Service custody in Northern Ireland.
The position plays a key investigative role in the criminal justice system and is vital in helping to ensure widespread confidence in the prison system.
The successful candidate will bring an essential wealth of experience, professionalism and knowledge to this demanding post. They will have a successful track record built on productive leadership and management, leading and oversight of investigatory processes, along with effective communication and negotiation skills.
The Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland is appointed for a term of three years. The maximum number of terms that the Prisoner Ombudsman can serve is two. There is no automatic reappointment to the role and therefore, should the Prisoner Ombudsman wish to serve a second term, they are required to reapply for the role.
The post holder will be required to work a four day week and remuneration for the position is £67,256.
Candidate information packs and applications forms are available on the DOJ website at Recruitment Northern Ireland Prisoner Ombudsman | Department of Justice (justice-ni.gov.uk)
We particularly welcome applications from women, people under the age of 40, individuals from a minority ethnic community and people with a disability.
It is anticipated that interviews will be held on w/c Monday 23 September 2024
Further information and an application pack can be downloaded direct from: Recruitment Northern Ireland Prisoner Ombudsman | Department of Justice (justice-ni.gov.uk) or by emailing: prisoner.ombudsman.appointment@justice-ni.gov.uk
or by telephoning: 028 9052 6496
or by writing to: Prisoner Ombudsman NI Competition 2024, Department of Justice, Public Appointments, Room B5.12, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SG.
Candidate information packs and application forms can be provided in alternative formats on request.
Equality of Opportunity
The Department of Justice is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. The Department is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all applicants. Applications are welcomed regardless of age, gender, disability, marital status, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants. In keeping with the NICS Policy on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, we would also welcome applications from those not currently serving on public bodies.