Age Strategy and Action Plan summary of responses
Respondents supported the vision and outcome statements of the Strategy and Action Plan, as well as the approach taken to develop same. Respondents were encouraged that current actions were noted as a starting point for further action.
Respondents noted the steps taken to ensure older people’s voices and concerns were reflected in the Strategy and Action Plan through the co-design process and various engagements, surveys, and focus groups.
Respondents welcomed the actions around information sharing and signposting both services and events, as this would reduce duplication.
Respondents were particularly supportive of the proposal for annual health MOT checks for older people, the promotion of joined-up, wraparound health services and campaigns, the distinct actions for loneliness and promotion of wellbeing for older people, transport for rural dwellers, the Warm Welcome Spaces initiative and Council’s commitment to supporting independent living through assistive technologies, telecare services and occupational therapy.
Respondents raised a concern about the general trend towards online activities with little or no offline alternative.
Respondents were encouraged by the advocacy role noted with specific reference to age-friendly housing.