3. Consideration of available data and research
This section provides an overview of the data and research that was considered in the draft EQIA consultation report.
Statistical data
Data on Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council residents by Section 75 category is set out in appendix 4. This information is taken from the 20011 Census and 2019 local council elections.
Appendix 5 provides a breakdown of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council residents by Section 75 category based on Article 55 returns to the Equality Commission NI.
Appendix 6 contains data from the 2020 NI Life and Times Survey on public opinion on the flying of the Union flag.
The draft EQIA consultation report included a range of background information on policies and guidance that might have an influence on the Council’s policy. These are set out in the appendices to this report and include:
Appendix 7: Relevant legislation
Appendix 8: Relevant Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council policies
Appendix 9: Other relevant policies and research