Heads of Terms

In this easy read document, difficult words are in bold.
We explain what these words mean in the sentence after they have been used.

Growth Deals provide funds to local authorities for projects that benefit the local area and economy.
Local authorities is another term for Council.

A growth deal provides capital investment only.
Capital investment means money for building projects or buying equipment.

Elected Members proposed a large selection of projects for consideration.
Consideration means careful thought.

A short list of nine projects
with the greatest potential to support economic growth was then agreed.
Greatest potential means most likely to succeed.

These nine projects have been granted approval by the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive to proceed to the next stage.

The UK Government have committed £36 million.

The Northern Ireland Executive have committed
£36 million.

Council and other project delivery partners will also contribute over £25 million.
Contribute means giving money in order to help achieve something.

This Easy Read information explains what is included in our Heads of Terms.
Heads of Terms is an informal agreement between parties.
Our Region

Covers almost 1,200 square kilometres.

Has a population of 141,700 residents.

Female life expectancy is 83 years old. Male life expectancy is 79 years old.
Expectancy is when you think something will happen.

Had a peak number of visitors in 2019 of 2.5 million.

Hosts large scale events.

Our Borough is primarily rural.

Our Council inherited debt when it merged in 2015.
Inherited means Council had no choice but to accept the outstanding debt.

The age of our residents is continually getting older.

Unemployment rate is highest in Northern Ireland.

Exports have fallen by 15 percent.
Exports are goods sold outside of Northern Ireland.

14 percent of residents have no or low levels of educational attainment.

Educational attainment means the highest qualification held by a person.

98 percent of businesses are either micro or small.
Micro businesses have less than 10 employees.

Small businesses have between 11 and 50 employees.

In 2022, average annual earnings based on people living in the area was £24,825.
Projects in Our Deal

Projects have been assigned across three themes:


Tourism & Regeneration


Innovation is the introduction of something new.

The Centre for Food & Drug Discovery will build upon existing research expertise to establish a leading centre of scientific excellence.

The Business Innovation & Incubation Hub will provide much needed wet labs and business expansion units.

Incubation means providing early-stage businesses with the support and resources to help them succeed.

Wet labs are laboratory spaces designed to test chemicals, biological matter, and drugs.

An Innovation Centre at North West Regional College will help businesses to develop new products and services.

Tourism & Regeneration
Regeneration is the long term upgrading of existing urban and rural areas.

Bushmills Connected: Regeneration Project will improve the overall perception of the village.

Perception means how something is thought of.

Dungiven Regeneration Project will improve the overall perception of the village and provide a digital hub.

Cushendall Innovation Centre will increase the capacity of its existing digital hub.

Capacity is the maximum amount that something can contain.

Coleraine Leisure and Wellbeing Centre will update the existing Leisure Centre.

Plus bring much needed wellbeing initiatives to the town.
Initiatives are actions which improve a situation.

Connected Causeway Traffic and Parking will reduce congestion and create new parking destinations.
Congestion is when a place is too blocked or crowded, causing difficulties.

Infrastructure is the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively.

Portrush to Bushmills Greenway will create a new active travel route.

Active travel means making journeys in physically active ways - like walking, wheeling (using a wheelchair or mobility aid), cycling, or scootering.
Cross-Cutting Objectives

Our Growth Deal will be supported by a programme of skills development.

Employability programmes will be delivered by our Labour Market Partnership. Employability is what enables someone to get a job.

All projects will adopt sustainable practices.
Sustainable means not being harmful to the climate.

All projects will be inclusive.
Inclusive means not excluding anyone.
Deal Governance
Governance is overseeing the control and direction of something.

Our Growth Deal will require strong leadership.

Our funding will be subject to approval from the UK Government and the NI Executive.

Our projects must demonstrate value for money.
Value for money is the best price for the outcome.
Next Steps

We will start work on developing the Outline Business Cases for each project.

Outline Business Cases go into more detail on a proposed project.

We will keep everyone up to date with our progress.

You can access our full Heads of Terms document at https://www.causewaycoast andglens.gov.uk/work/strate gic-projects/growth-deal.