Section 75 Category | Details of Evidence/Information
- Mid-year 2020 NISRA statistics detailed the usual resident population of Causeway Coast & Glens Local Government District to be 144,900, accounting for 7.6% of the N.I. total. Statistical information with regards to the Districts makeup and individuals therein was also reviewed.
- It was agreed on 12 February 2015, that existing Legacy Council flag flying arrangements would roll over into the new Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. Existing arrangements in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council shows an inconsistent approach:
Ballymoney Area - The Union Flag is flown on designated days and days designated by Her Majesty the Queen. Discretion by the Mayor and Chief Executive to fly on additional days, for example death of prominent Politicians. Policy applies to three Council buildings: Riada House, Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre and the Town Hall. Coleraine area - The Union Flag was flown 365 days per annum at Coleraine Town Hall, two weeks in July at Portrush Town Hall and during business hours at Cloonavin. Limavady area - No Flags are flown. (apart from the Blue Seaside Award flag.) Moyle area – No flags (apart from the Blue Seaside Award flag.)
- This was followed by a Notice of Motion submitted to a meeting of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council on 28th April 2015. In accordance with Council policy, this Notice of Motion was referred to Council’s Corporate Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 19th May 2015 and later on 16th June 2015.
The following Notice of Motion was proposed, at the meeting on 16th June 2015: “That this Council supports the following policy with regard to the flying of the Union flag in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area. Civic Centres and former Centres of local Government (Coleraine Town Hall, Ballymoney Town Hall, Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre - formerly Limavady Town Hall, Portrush Town Hall and Portstewart Town Hall) - 365 Days. Council Admin HQ (Cloonavin) - Working Days and Designated Days plus, including other days at the discretion of the Chief Executive. Council Admin Centres (Riada House, Limavady Council Offices and Sheskburn House) - Working Days and Designated Days plus, including any other days at the discretion of the Chief Executive.” The Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 16th June 2015 recommended to Council that the motion be adopted as Council policy subject to the requirements of Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The minutes of the meeting on 16th June 2015 were submitted for ratification (on 28th July 2015 ) and were subsequently adopted by Council. However following a tender for an EQIA it did not progress, until the present motion was proposed on 4th May 2021 and following a call-in was adopted by Council on 5 October 2021. - Since the establishment of the new Council on 1st April 2015 no formal complaints have been received regarding the display of the Union flag within Council owned and operated buildings and grounds. However the absence of complaints may only present part of the picture.
- Rural and urban citizens will be treated in the same way regarding the proposals.
- It is also clear that the majority of our borough is rural in composition and therefore the specific needs of those individuals must to be considered during screening.
- Consultation by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission EQIA Review of the Policy on the Flying of the Union Flag at Parliament Buildings.
- The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, “An Evidence Base for Shaping Welcoming and Inclusive Workplaces” Literature Review, April 2019 .
- In addition the Equality Commission has issued guidance on promoting a good and harmonious working environment which states that:
“A good and harmonious working environment is one where all workers are treated with dignity and respect and where no worker is subjected to harassment by conduct that is related to religious belief or political opinion….This of course does not mean that working environments must always be devoid of anything that happens to be more closely associated with one or other of the two main communities in Northern Ireland….In other words an ‘harmonious’ working environment does not necessarily mean a ‘neutral’ one.” The guidance includes the following advice on the issue of workplace emblems: “…the Commission recommends that where an employer is seeking to provide or maintain fair participation, or to ensure that all services and facilities are widely utilised by all sections of the community, there is sensitivity concerning displays wholly or mainly associated with one section of the community.” The guidance also includes the following advice specifically on the flying of the Union flag: “The flying of the Union Flag must be viewed within the context in which it is flown or displayed. Factors affecting the context include the manner, location and frequency with which flags are flown. The Union Flag is the national flag of the United Kingdom and, arising therefrom, has a particular status symbolising the constitutional position of Northern Ireland. On the other hand, the Union Flag is often used to mark sectional community allegiance. There is a world of difference between these two approaches. Thus, for example, while it is acceptable and appropriate, in the Commission’s view, for a local Council to fly the Union Flag at its Civic Headquarters, the rationale for its display at every Council location, facility and leisure centre would be questionable.” - As a result of the above advice the selection of certain Council locations and not others may or may not potentially create a ‘chill factor’ in areas as a result of flying or not flying the Union flag.
- The Fair Employment Code of Practice also provides general guidance to employers with regard to good practice in the promotion of equality of opportunity. In relation to the working environment the code states that employers should:
“Promote a good and harmonious working environment and atmosphere in which no worker feels under threat or intimidated because of his religious belief or political opinion e.g. prohibit the display of flags, emblems, posters, graffiti, or the circulation of materials, or the deliberate articulation of songs, which are likely to give offence or cause apprehension among particular groups of employees.”
Religious Beliefs | The 2011 Census outlined:
Census 2011 | CC&G Borough Council | Northern Ireland | Roman Catholic | 36.97% | 40.76% | Protestant & Other Christian (including Christian related) | 48.44% | 41.56% | Other Religions | 0.59% | 0.82% | None/Not stated | 5.64% | 6.75% |
Staff breakdown by Religious Belief / Community Background (Figures as at 21 October 2021) |
Religious Belief / Community Background | Gender | Number of Staff | Percentage | Roman Catholic | Male | 123 | 19.52% | Female | 122 | 19.37% | Protestant | Male | 218 | 34.60% | Female | 131 | 20.79% | Non-Determined | Male | 17 | 2.70% | Female | 19 | 3.02% | Total | | 630 | 100% |
Building | Area | Coleraine Town Hall | Coleraine | Cloonavin Council Headquarters | Coleraine | Limavady Office (Connell St) | Limavady | Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre | Limavady | Ballymoney Town Hall | Ballymoney | Riada House | Ballymoney | Portrush Town Hall | Portrush | Portstewart Town Hall | Portstewart |
2011 - Religion or religion brought up in |
SETT2015 2011 Census | All usual residents | Catholic | Protestant & Other Christian (including Christian related) | Other religions | None | Northern Ireland | 1810863 | 817385 | 875717 | 16592 | 101169 | Ballycastle | 5237 | 4039 | 997 | 33 | 168 | Ballymoney | 10402 | 1786 | 7929 | 82 | 605 | Coleraine | 24634 | 5935 | 16770 | 287 | 1642 | Limavady | 12032 | 5343 | 6236 | 44 | 409 | Portrush | 6454 | 1603 | 4318 | 49 | 484 | Portstewart | 8003 | 2844 | 4560 | 83 | 516 |
Opinions on flying the Union Flag by Religion | % |
| Catholic | Protestant | No religion | Union flag flown from all public buildings all the time | 2 | 38 | 13 | Union flag flown on designated days only | 35 | 51 | 53 | Union flag not flown at all from any public building | 54 | 4 | 25 | Don't know | 9 | 7 | 8 |
In terms of religion or religion brought up in the 2011 Census and current staff stats as detailed above indicate that our resident’s and staff’s religious beliefs can be seen to have 2 predominant groupings ie Roman Catholic and Protestant. We use this data to determine community background i.e. whether an individual is from the Protestant community or the Roman Catholic community in Northern Ireland, or neither. We have a number of individuals (Census 5.64% and Staff 5.72%) who either do not practice a specific religion or who do not wish to be grouped into a specific religion. In addition we have a small number of individuals (Census) who practice other religions.
The notice of motion referred to set buildings and the religious breakdown for those specific areas is also of key importance, however due to the fact; that small numbers in some areas my allow identification these figures have not been detailed here. In addition the 2020 NI Life and Times Survey suggests there is a large group of individuals who support flying the flag on designated days. However the research does not drill down to identify views by local council areas. In relation to staff, the 2020 NI Life and Times Survey identified that 89% of people preferred a mixed religion workplace.
The call-in highlighted the contentious nature regarding the decision to fly the Union flag. However it is also noted that there have been no complaints received from users or staff in this regard since 2015 when Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council was formed. This includes the venues where the Union flag currently flies 365 days per year and where it is not flown at all.
The consultation by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission EQIA Review of the Policy on the Flying of the Union Flag at Parliament Buildings noted “people from the Nationalist community might experience a ‘chill factor’ in their dealings with the Council as a result of the flying of the Union flag”.
Therefore a consultation process with relevant parties will inform the policy formation, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to religion. |
Political Opinion | The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2020) provides the following information on the political parties people in Northern Ireland feel closest to (this information is not available at Council area level) *:
Party | % | DUP/Democratic Unionist Party | 23 | Sinn Féin | 11 | Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) | 11 | Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) | 14 | Alliance Party | 28 | Green Party | 4 | Other Party | 2 | None of these | 3 | Don't know | 3 |
The flying of the union flag can be seen to closely relate to political opinion from the discussions in the chamber by elected representatives. The call-in highlighted the contentious nature regarding the decision to fly the Union flag.
However it is also noted that there have been no complaints received from users or staff in this regard since 2015 when Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council was formed. This includes the venues where the Union flag currently flies 365 days per year and where it is not flown at all.
The different approaches taken by the legacy Councils prior to the amalgamation may denote varied viewpoints and support to fly the Union flag across the new Council area which will not only relate to the current motion, but also the choice of future venues. In addition the Equality Commission in their Corporate Plan 2019-2022 stated that prejudicial behaviours remain “Prejudicial attitudes toward those of different religious beliefs is present in Northern Ireland, particularly sectarianism” in the workplace in Northern Ireland and this must be viewed alongside the rise in both sectarian incidents (70 cases) and crime (49 cases) over the year July 2020 to June 2021. However the impact of a change regarding the flying of the union flag is unknown and may or may not be relevant.
The consultation by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission EQIA Review of the Policy on the Flying of the Union Flag at Parliament Buildings noted “people from the Nationalist community might experience a ‘chill factor’ in their dealings with the Council as a result of the flying of the Union flag”.
Therefore a consultation process with relevant parties will inform the policy formation, support the identification of potential mitigation measures and identify any disproportionate adverse impacts with regards to political opinion. |
Racial Group | On Census Day 27th March 2011 the resident population was:
| N.I. (%) | Rest of U.K. (%) | ROI (%) | Other Europe (%) | Rest of World (%) | N.I. | 88.84 | 4.56 | 2.09 | 2.51 | 1.99 | Causeway Coast & Glens Local Government District | 91.02 | 4.99 | 1.42 | 1.45 | 1.06 |
Staff breakdown by Racial Group / Ethnic Origin (Figures as at 21 October 2021) |
Racial Group / Ethnic Origin | Gender | Number of Staff | Percentage | Mixed Ethnic Group | Male | - | - | Female | 1 | 0.16% | Other | Male | 1 | 0.16% | Female | 1 | 0.16% | White / White European | Male | 325 | 51.59% | Female | 237 | 37.62% | Unknown | Male | 32 | 5.08% | Female | 33 | 5.23% | Total | | 630 | 100% |
Again there have been no complaints received from users or staff on the basis of race with regard to flying the Union flag.
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence that this relates to their racial grouping.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |
Age | Age: (Mid Year 2020)* (NISRA statistics)
| CC&G Borough Council | Northern Ireland | Under 15 | 28,600 (19.74%) | 395,800 (20.88%) | 16-64 | 89,200 (61.56%) | 1,179,700 (62.24%) | 65-84 | 23900 (16.49%) | 280,600 (14.80%) | 85 and over | 3200 (2.21%) | 39,400 (2.08%) | TOTAL Population | 144,900 | 1,895,500 |
Staff breakdown by Age
(Figures as at 21 October 2021) |
Age Group | Number of staff | Percentage | 22-29 | 17 | 2.70% | 30-34 | 33 | 5.24% | 35-39 | 64 | 10.16% | 40-44 | 81 | 12.86% | 45-49 | 111 | 17.62% | 50-54 | 112 | 17.78% | 55-59 | 99 | 15.71% | 60-64 | 84 | 13.33% | 65-120 | 29 | 4.60% | Total | 630 | 100% | | | | | | |
NI Life & Times Survey 2020 | Opinions on flying the Union flag by Age | % |
| 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65+ | Union flag flown from all public buildings all the time | 17 | 22 | 18 | 19 | 24 | 21 | Union flag flown on designated days only | 25 | 36 | 42 | 49 | 52 | 62 | Union flag not flown at all from any public building | 37 | 29 | 32 | 26 | 16 | 12 | Don't know | 22 | 14 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 5 |
The 2020 NI Life and Times Survey suggests there is no major variance related to age.
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence that this relates to their age.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |
Marital Status | Marital Status: Marital status by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2011):
Census 2011 | Ballymoney BC | Coleraine BC | Limavady BC | Moyle DC | Single | 32.68% | 34.78% | 36.64% | 34.96% | Married | 52.52% | 48.88% | 48.94% | 49.03% | Civil Partnership | 0.07% | 0.06% | 0.08% | 0.08% | Separated | 3.13% | 3.15% | 3.58% | 3.66% | Divorced/ Civil Partnership Dissolved | 5.23% | 6.13% | 4.99% | 5.11% | Widowed/ Surviving Civil Partner | 6.39% | 7.00% | 5.78% | 7.15% |
Staff breakdown by Marital Status (Figures as at 21 October 2021) |
Marital Status | Number of staff | Percentage | Divorced | 13 | 2.06% | Married \ Civil Partnership | 346 | 54.92% | Other | 20 | 3.17% | Separated | 12 | 1.91% | Single | 170 | 26.98% | Widowed | 2 | 0.32% | Unknown | 67 | 10.64% | Total | 630 | 100% |
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence that this relates to their marital status.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |
Sexual Orientation | There are no specific figures available on how many people may be Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual or Trans-gender or Trans-sexual (LGBT) specific to the Council area.
The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2020)* provides the following information on the sexual orientation of people in Northern Ireland (this information is not available at local government level):
| % | I am ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ (homosexual) | 3 | I am heterosexual or ‘straight’ | 94 | I am bi-sexual | 2 | Other | 1 |
In addition the NI Rainbow Project estimates between 6-10% of any given population could be considered as LGBT.
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence that this relates to their sexual orientation.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |
Men and Women Generally | Gender: (Mid Year 2020 Population Estimates)*
| CC&G Borough Council | Northern Ireland | Male | 71,839 (49.6%) | 934,155 (49.3%) | Female | 73,104 (50.4%) | 961,355 (50.7%) |
Staff breakdown by Gender (Figures as at 21 October 2021) |
Gender | Number of staff | Percentage | Male | 358 | 56.83% | Female | 272 | 43.17% | Total | 630 | 100% |
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence that this relates to their gender.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |
Dependants | The Census information in 2011 showed: People With or Without Dependents:
Census 2011 | CC&G Borough Council | Northern Ireland | Number of households | 54,970 | 721,860 | Households with dependent children | 15,597 (28.37%) | 261,251 (36.19%) |
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence that this relates to whether they have or do not have dependents.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |
Disability | People with a Disability/People Without: People with a long term condition/illness by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2011):
Census 2011 | Ballymoney BC | Coleraine BC | Limavady BC | Moyle DC | People with a long term condition/illness | 30.6% | 31.31% | 31.05% | 31.68% | People Without | 69.4% | 68.69% | 68.95% | 68.32% |
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Long Term Condition: |
Mobility or dexterity | 19% | Long term pain or discomfort | 17% | Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing | 14% | A chronic illness | 11% | Deafness or partial hearing loss | 9% | An emotional, psychological or mental health condition | 9% | Other condition | 9% | A learning, intellectual or social behaviour difficulty | 3% | Frequent periods of confusion or memory loss | 3% | Blindness or partial sight | 3% | Communication difficulty | 3% |
Source: NINIS, Census 2011, KS302NI Notes:
1. ‘Communication difficulty’ means a difficulty with speaking or making yourself understood. 2. ‘A mobility or dexterity difficulty’ means a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying. 3. ‘An emotional, psychological or mental health condition’ includes conditions such as depression or schizophrenia. 4. ‘Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing’ includes conditions such as asthma. 5. ‘A chronic illness’ includes illnesses such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy. 6. ‘Long-term’ refers to a condition which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months.
Staff breakdown by Disability (Figures as at 21 October 2021) |
With or Without a Disability | Number of staff | Percentage | With | 14 | 2.22% | Without | 616 | 97.78% | Total | 630 | 100% |
Individuals may have a personal preference regarding the flying of the Union Flag, however there is no evidence this relates to if they have a disability or not.
A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts. |