Section 75 Equality and Good Relations
Consultation on Screening of Policies April to June 2023

Policy/StrategyAim/Purpose of PolicyNew or Revised PolicyDate of ScreeningRecommendation
Auction Venue and process for concessionary trading locations

To facilitate an auction for concessionary trading locations within the Borough of Causeway Coast and Glens. To ensure equality, openness, and transparency in the auction process and ensure venue accessibility.


Rural Needs Assessment 04.05.2023

Screened out without mitigation
Licensing documentationTo facilitate an administration process for concessionary trading locations within the Borough of Causeway Coast and Glens which includes the application for, licence agreement, terms and conditions and code of conduct.New04.05.2023

Rural Needs Assessment 04.05.2023

Screened out without mitigation
Grant Funding PolicyThe overall aim of the policy is: ‘To ensure Council has a consistent, customer focused process with relevant assessment and evaluation procedures with appropriate appeal and monitoring systems in place.’ The Grant Funding Policy is built on a set of agreed principles and an understanding that: Grant funding awards are at the sole discretion of council but will be dependent on the Council’s available and agreed level of funding which is determined in the annual budget. Activities grant funded must be fully consistent with strategic aims and priorities of the strategies to be addressed. Due regard will be given to equality considerations in accordance with section 75 and any other statutory duty. All funding applications will be determined on their objective merits. No organisation is entitled to funding because it may have been granted funding in the past or for any other reason. A consistent, customer focused process is required in relation to grant applications with relevant assessment and evaluation procedures with appropriate appeal and monitoring systems in place. Council must ensure proper, prudent and effective use of Public Money. Contracted services must be tendered in adherence to the Council’s Procurement Process.Revised


Screened out without mitigation

Corporate Business Continuity PlanThe purpose of this plan is to identify the Business Continuity procedures that will be invoked in the event of an incident occurring and focuses on the following: a. Identification of critical functions. b. Identification of critical staff. c. Maintenance of critical functions following a disruptive event. d. BC roles and responsibilities. e. BC communication process.Revised02.06.2023Screened out without mitigation
Hardship Fund SchemeThe aim of the scheme as directed by the Department for Communities (DfC) is to provide emergency cost of living assistance to the most vulnerable people in the borough.New05.06.2023Screened out without mitigation