Grant Funding Policy Rural Needs Assessment

Defining the activity subject to Section 1(1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016

1A. Name of Public Authority.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

1B. Please provide a short title which describes the activity being undertaken by the Public Authority that is subject to Section 1(1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016.

Causeway Coast and Glens Grant Funding Policy is to outline the Council’s agreed approach to Grant Funding in relation to resourcing external bodies to assist in the delivery of Council’s strategic objectives and priorities.

1C. Please indicate which category the activity specified in Section 1B above relates to.

Revising a policy, strategy and plan

1D. Please provide the official title (if any) of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service document or initiative relating to the category indicated in Section 1C above.

Causeway Coast and Glens Grant Funding Policy

1E. Please provide details of the aims and/or objectives of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service.

The overall aim of the funding process is: ‘To have a consistent, customer focused process with relevant assessment and evaluation procedures with appropriate appeal and monitoring systems in place.’
The objectives of this policy are to ensure that all funding and grants allocated will:
Further the objectives as outlined within the Community Plan and Council’s Corporate Plan - Target resources to meet identified needs
Maximise leverage (for example in kind contributions or match funding) - Maximise sustainability (economic, environmental and social)
Achieve greater accountability and openness. Ensure Equality and the promotion of Good Relations are considered in all applications in line with section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 - Provide guidance to officers, members and voluntary and community organisations on policy for funding and support of local groups.

1F. What definition of ‘rural’ is the Public Authority using in respect of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service?

Population Settlements of less than 5,000 (Default definition).and other definition

Details of alternative definition of ‘rural’ used:
Definition can be open to Level of activity of rural participants within a project.

Rationale for using alternative definition of ‘rural’:
In some instances the grant can be put towards activities within a settlement of more than 5000 population, yet due to the rural makeup of our Council the main beneficiaries may still be rural participants. Therefore, the alternative definition allows for improved reporting and actual impact determination.

Reasons why a definition of ‘rural’ is not applicable. N/A

Understanding the impact of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service

2A. Is the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service likely to impact on people in rural areas?

Yes If the response is NO GO TO Section 2E.

2B. Please explain how the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to impact on people in rural areas.

52% of Causeway Coast and Glens is classed as Rural outside the main settlements of Coleraine, Limavady, Ballymoney, and Ballycastle. The Grant Funding Policy applies across the entire council area with consideration given to organisations within all settlements classed as urban/rural. The policy aims to have a positive approach to help develop and sustain important aspects of the Rural Communities such as;
-Business and Economic Growth - Cultural Heritage in rural areas -Good relations in legacy rural communities
-Community Development - Policing and Safety issues in rural areas - Sports and Wellbeing Development
-Tourism opportunities within rural areas - Legacy Twinned opportunities
The policy will impact the rural communities directly as funding within the economic climate is essential, not only to the development of rural community organisations and business groups but to their existence.
The policy aims to achieve greater transparency, accountability and openness through Causeway Coast and Glens funding process and provide opportunities for all eligible groups within the Council’s urban/rural area to apply for all funding support.
Considerations: -
1. In some instances, emphasis will be given to groups within rural areas where applicable (RBDS etc)
2. Monitoring through grant management system to determine grant activity within rural settlements.
3. Online Portal allows all groups to access application process.

2C. If the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to impact on people in rural areas differently from people in urban areas, please explain how it is likely to impact on people in rural areas differently.

The Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 (the Act) provides a statutory duty on public authorities to have due regard to rural needs when developing, adopting, implementing or revising policies, strategies and plans, and when designing and delivering public services. The policy itself will not have a different impact on people living either within urban and rural areas, although it has been noted that actual information delivery methods will impact people living in urban and rural areas differently.

The Funding Roadshows provide information on all of Causeway Coast and Glens Councils grants and support offered from the Funding Unit team. These Roadshows are annually delivered within the four main urban settlements of Coleraine, Limavady, Ballymoney, and Ballycastle. Although no roadshows are held within settlements classed as rural, targeted invitations are distributed through various channels such as an email contact list, social media platforms, local groups and politicians representing rural areas of the Borough.

Information provided through the funding roadshows is available to all people within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough through a variety of methods to suit both rural and urban applicants (post/electronic/verbal etc.) and all information is available on our website: https://www.causewaycoastandgl...;

Councils Funding Policy statement reads ‘Council is committed to distributing available grants fairly, efficiently and effectively. The purpose of this policy is to outline the Council’s agreed approach to Grant Funding in relation to resourcing external bodies to assist in the delivery of Council’s strategic objectives and priorities’.

2D. Please indicate which of the following rural policy areas the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to primarily impact on.

The impacts are dependent on the grant usage/project funded and could cover or include in full or any part of; any of the above rural policy areas

2E. Please explain why the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is NOT likely to impact on people in rural areas.


Identifying the Social and Economic Needs of Persons in Rural Areas

3A. Has the Public Authority taken steps to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas that are relevant to the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service?

Yes If the response is NO GO TO Section 3E.

3B. Please indicate which of the following methods or information sources were used by the Public Authority to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.

Consultation with Rural Stakeholders and other organisations

3C. Please provide details of the methods and information sources used to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas including relevant dates, names of organisations, titles of publications, website references, details of surveys or consultations undertaken etc.

The policy’s main focus on need is established through local elected representatives that represent all areas of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough including rural communities.

The elected representatives come from all parts of the Borough and represent people from all backgrounds and would be familiar with the social and economic needs of their areas.

The policy was created, adopted and is annually reviewed by Council’s committee including representatives from rural areas that ensure the updated needs of these communities is taken into account.

The policy and all grant programmes are reviewed and agreed year on year, this allows the Funding Unit team and local elected officials to identify and develop the methods used to deliver funding services.

The new online portal for delivering funding allows all aspects of the application process to be completed online, which has had positive feedback from the local representatives and groups.

3D. Please provide details of the social and economic needs of people in rural areas which have been identified by the Public Authority?

The social and economic needs of the people within the Council area are highlighted through the elected representatives this is evident through the commission of grant programmes delivered annually, supporting; Community and Social Development, Sports and Well Being, Community Safety, Good relations, Cultural and Art focus development, Community and Sports Capital infrastructure and Business Enterprise.

Oversubscription of the grant programmes is an annual occurrence and highlights the need for support through the whole Council area in the urban and rural settlements.

In addition the needs of the local rural areas is evident in Causeway Coast and Glens currently delivering the Small Settlements Regeneration Programme, Growth Deal, Go-Succeed and Peace Plus projects which all have connections to the rural areas. To date key projects have been delivered through various strands to help support and develop rural applicants through; Rural Business Investment Scheme, Rural Development Programme, Village Renewal Scheme, Rural Broadband Scheme, Rural Basic Services Scheme and Local Action Group Co-operation. These projects were developed as a result of identifying and targeting specific rural needs and inequalities. To date these schemes have contributed towards enhancing rural life, tackling poverty in rural areas, increasing social interaction, improving education, networking, good relations and collaboration. These are further improved by the on-going networking between Council and Local Action Groups including the opportunities for local groups to work together on projects with similar aims and objectives.

The level of funding that has been applied for and delivered within the rural areas clearly shows the social and economic need identified by the Causeway Coast and Glens Council.

If the response to Section 3A was YES GO TO Section 4A.

3E. Please explain why no steps were taken by the Public Authority to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas?


Considering the Social and Economic Needs of Persons in Rural Areas

4A. Please provide details of the issues considered in relation to the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.

The grant funding policy outlines the process which Council will follow with regards to any funding award. As such no set social and economic needs are specifically detailed in the policy.

The social and economic needs of the people within the Council area are identified and highlighted through the elected representatives and the corporate plan. This is evident through the commission of 18+ grant programmes delivered annually, supporting;
Community and Social Development
Sports and Well Being
Community Safety
Good relations
Cultural and Art focus development
Community and Sports Capital infrastructure
Business Enterprise
Environmental grants

Any funding award is ‘based on established need’ which may relate to rural areas. As detailed in the previous section grants can cover all the identified as Rural Policy areas and may relate solely to one or touch on a variety depending on the project proposed for funding.

To date these schemes have contributed towards enhancing rural life, tackling poverty in rural areas, rural community development, education and training, increasing social interaction, improving education, safety, networking, good relations and collaboration.

Influencing the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service

5A. Has the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or delivery of the Public Service, been influenced by the rural needs identified?

No If the response is NO GO TO Section 5C.

5B. Please explain how the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or delivery of the Public Service, has been influenced by the rural needs identified.

The policy itself will not have a direct impact on individuals in rural areas; however all funding awards are based on an established need which may relate to a rural issue.

5C. Please explain why the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or the delivery of the Public Service, has NOT been influenced by the rural needs identified.

The Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 (the Act) provides a statutory duty on public authorities to have due regard to rural needs when developing, adopting, implementing or revising policies, strategies and plans, and when designing and delivering public services.

The purpose of the Grant funding policy is to outline the process, steps and rules the Funding Unit will follow to deliver grant programmes and funding support to all people living within urban and rural settlements of the Borough. There is no specific need identified which is restricted or not covered within the policy.

Documenting and Recording

6A. Please tick below to confirm that the RNIA Template will be retained by the Public Authority and relevant information on the Section 1 activity compiled in accordance with paragraph 6.7 of the guidance.

I confirm that the RNIA Template will be retained and relevant information compiled.

Rural Needs Impact Assessment undertaken by: Funding Unit Development Officer

Division/Branch Funding Unit

Date: 29.03.2024

Rural Needs Impact Assessment approved by: Funding Unit Manager

Division/Branch Leisure & Development

Date: 29.03.2024