S75 Equality And Good Relations Screening Form

General Information: Policy/ Procedure

Is this an existing, revised or a new function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Existing & Revised

Operational Area: Funding Unit

Title: Landfill Community Fund Policy

Brief Summary:

The purpose of this policy is to outline the Council’s agreed approach to Grant Funding in relation to resourcing external bodies to assist in the delivery of Council’s strategic objectives and priorities. The policy was written for Councillors and the Council's officers and any who enquire about our policy and procedures.

What is it trying to achieve? (intended aims and outcomes)

The overall aim of the policy is:

‘To ensure a consistent and transparent process with proper and accountable procedures in place.’

The objectives of this policy are to ensure that all grants allocated via the Landfill Communities Fund will:
• Further the objectives of the Landfill Communities Fund as outlined by ENTRUST.
• Target resources to meet identified needs.
• Achieve greater accountability and openness.
• Ensure Equality and the promotion of Good Relations are considered in all applications in line with section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.
• Provide guidance to officers, members, and voluntary and community organisations on policy for the Landfill Communities Fund.

Who owns and who implements each element of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

• The Funding unit deals with all internal and external enquiries in relation to availability of funds. The application is completed in 2 parts, part A being completed online through Council’s online system. Part B to be completed by applicant and forwarded to Ulster Wildlife Trust.

• Eligibility checks and assessments are then caried out by Council’s funding unit and Ulster Wildlife Trust.

• Council’s Funding Unit Manager will prepare a report for Council Committee with details of funds available, object under which each application is made and information on the grant award.

• The project is then registered with the Environmental Body (Entrust) with a decision on approval/rejection made within 10 working days.

• Letter of Offer or rejection issued by UWF on behalf of the Environmental body to the applicant.

• Verification of expenditure and monitoring carried out by the Environmental Body

• Entrust undertakes compliance reviews to view project expenditure and controls in place at the Environmental body.

Other policies etc. which have a bearing on this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

All guidance notes for individual grant programmes are aligned to and emanate from this policy.

Available Evidence

Evidence to help inform the screening process may take many forms. Public authorities should ensure that their screening decision is informed by relevant data.
What evidence/information (both qualitative and quantitative have you gathered to inform this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance? Specify details for relevant Section 75 categories.

Section 75 Category Details of Evidence/Information:

Religious Beliefs

The 2021 Census outlined:

Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Roman Catholic 37.60% 42.31%
Protestant & Other Christian
(including Christian related) 45.32% 37.36%
Other Religions 0.68% 1.34%
None/Not stated 16.4% 18.99%

In terms of religion, or religion brought up in, the 2021 Census indicates that our resident’s religious beliefs are comparable to those in Northern Ireland in that there are 2 predominant groupings i.e., Roman Catholic and Protestant. However, we also have several individuals (16.4%) who do not practice a specific religion or who do not wish to be grouped into a specific religion. In addition, we have a small number of individuals who practice other religions (0.68%).

No issues regarding religious beliefs were raised to date with current stakeholders who have various religious beliefs and multiple identities and adopt the policy.

In conclusion, this policy should not impact on this Section 75 group.
Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.

Political Opinion

The following results were noted after the Assemble elections in 2022, showing the percentage votes actually received by the main political parties in NI:

Evidence https://www.ark.ac.uk/election...

Sinn Féin 29%
DUP/Democratic Unionist Party 23.1%
Alliance Party 13.5%
Ulster Unionist Party 11.2%
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) 9.1%
Other Party 15.9%

No issues regarding political opinion were raised to date with current stakeholders who have various religious beliefs and multiple identities and adopt the policy.

In conclusion, this policy should not impact on this Section 75 group.
Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.

Racial Group

On Census Day 21st March 2021, 1.42% were from an ethnic minority population and the remaining 98.58% were white (including Irish Traveller) – as outlined below.

Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
White 98.55% 96.55%
Irish Traveller 0.03% 0.14%
Mixed 0.51% 0.76%
Indian 0.15% 0.52%
Pakistani 0.03% 0.08%
Filipino 0.10% 0.23%
Other Asian 0.10% 0.28%
Arab 0.03% 0.10%
Black African 0.12% 0.42%
Other Black 0.04% 0.16%
Chinese 0.22% 0.50%
Other ethnic group 0.12% 0.26%

No issues regarding racial groups were raised to date with current stakeholders who adopt the policy, and the policy will have no impact on any racial group.

In conclusion, this policy should not impact on this Section 75 group.
Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.



Table below shows % Figures from 2021 Census broken down into different age brackets with comparison between CCAG and NI:
CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Under 15 27,585 (19.46%) 388,440 (20.41%)
16 - 64 86,846 (61.27%) 1,188,245 (62.43%)
65 - 84 24,138 (17.03%) 287,083 (15.08%)
85 and over 3,177 (2.24%) 39394 (2.08%)
Total Population 141,746 1,903,162

2021 Census Results for all usual residents
By Council Area
Council 0-15 16-64 65-84 85 and over TOTAL
Antrim & Newtownabbey 29265 91,296 22,064 3038 145663
Ards & North Down 29671 97765 31946 4275 163657
Armagh City, Banbridge &
Craigavon 48246 135421 30888 4105 218660
Belfast 66111 228456 43842 7006 345415
Causeway Coast & Glens 27585 86,846 24138 3177 141746
Derry City & Strabane 31944 94656 21789 2367 150756
Fermanagh & Omagh 24801 70576 19000 2437 116814
Lisburn & Castlereagh 30184 92709 22808 3407 149108
Mid & East Antrim 25920 85734 23989 3352 138995
Mid Ulster 34634 93128 19825 2695 150282
Newry, Mourne & Down 40079 111660 26794 3535 182068
No issues regarding age concerns were raised to date with current stakeholders, who range from all ages, and adopt the policy.

All information will be promoted in line with industry best practices and will ensure it is easy to read and understand. This may result in large print material, pictorial formats, electronic and hard copy material when appropriate. The information will also be available on council’s webpage and therefore may be accessed using a screen-reader for individuals whose sight may be affected by age. Assistance is available by Funding Unit staff, if required.

In conclusion, this policy should not impact on this Section 75 group.
Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.

Marital Status

Marital status provided by most recent figures from Census 2021):

Census 2021 Causeway Coast and Glens Northern Ireland
Single 35.67% 38.07%
Married 47.81% 45.59%
Civil Partnership 0.14% 0.18%
Separated 3.32% 3.78%
Partnership Dissolved 6.36% 6.02%
Civil Partner 6.71% 6.36%

No issues regarding material status were raised to date with current stakeholders, who range from various backgrounds and adopt the policy.

In conclusion, this policy should not impact on this Section 75 group.
Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.

Sexual Orientation

The following information was sourced from Census 2021 and is based on usual residents aged 16 and over in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area

I am ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ (homosexual) 0.79
I am heterosexual or ‘straight’ 91.28
I am bi-sexual 0.52
Other 0.12
Prefer not to say/Not stated 7.29

The consultation process for this project raised no impactful issues with regards to Sexual Orientation. In conclusion, there is no evidence to assess the project’s impact on this Section 75 group and will be assumed as neutral impact.

Men and Women Generally Gender:

On Census Day 21st March 2021, 51% of the usually resident population were female and 49% were male.

CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Male 69,848 (49.28%) 936,132 (49.19%)
Female 71,898 (50.72%) 967,043 (50.81%)

Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.


On Census Day 21st March 2021, 11.95% of people stated that they provided unpaid care to family, friends, neighbours or others.

The Census information in 2021 showed:
People With or Without Dependents:
Census 2011 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Number of households 57,575 768,802
Households with
dependent children 16,810 (29.2%) 261,251 (30.68%)

No issues regarding dependants were raised to date with current stakeholders, who range from various backgrounds and adopt the policy.

Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.


People with a Disability/People Without:

The table below shows people with/without a long term condition/illness in CCAG Council area compared to the rest of NI (most recent figures available from Census 2021):

Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
People with a long term
condition/illness 35.95% 34.67%
People Without 64.05% 65.33%

Type of Long Term Conditions in CCAG area
Data from 2021 Census Table-ms-d18

Has long-term pain or discomfort (1) 12.27%
Has a mobility or dexterity difficulty that limits
basic physical activities (2) 11.25%
Has shortness of breath or difficulty breathing(3) 10.25%
Has an emotional, psychological or mental health condition(4) 8.32%
Has deafness or partial hearing loss 6.29%
Has a learning difficulty(5) 3.06%
Has frequent periods of confusion or memory loss(6) 1.89%
Has Autism or Asperger syndrome 1.61%
Has blindness or partial sight loss 1.81%
Has a mobility or dexterity difficulty that requires
the use of a wheelchair 1.51%
Has an intellectual or learning disability(7) 0.95%
Has another condition(8) 9.32%

Source: NINIS, Census 2021, In order to protect confidentiality, the above statistics were based on settlements with a usual resident count of over 500 people.

1. ‘'Long-term' refers to a condition which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months.
2. ‘A mobility or dexterity difficulty’ means a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying.
3. ‘Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing’ includes conditions such as asthma.
4. ‘Emotional, psychological or mental health condition’ includes conditions such as depression or schizophrenia.
5. ‘Learning difficulty’ includes conditions such as dyslexia.
6. ‘Frequent periods of confusion or memory loss’ includes conditions such as dementia.
7. ‘Intellectual or learning disability’ includes conditions such as Down syndrome.
8. ‘Other Condition’ is taken from the relevant option from the census questionnaire, which noted ‘Other condition(for example cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

All information will be promoted in line with industry best practices and will ensure it is easy to read and understand. This may result in large print material, pictorial formats, electronic and hard copy material when appropriate. The information will also be available on council’s webpage and therefore may be accessed using a screen-reader for individuals whose sight may be affected by age. Assistance is available by Funding Unit staff, if required.

No issues regarding disabilities were raised to date with current stakeholders, who represent people from a variety of backgrounds, and who adopt the policy.
Causeway Coast and Glens Council’s Grant Funding Policy explicitly states it is fully committed to meeting its obligations in relation to Equality and Good Relations under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.

Screening Questions

1. What is the likely impact on equality of opportunity for those affected by this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Section 75 Category - Positive impact (it could benefit) Neutral Negative impact (it could disadvantage)

Women Neutral impact
Men Neutral impact
Transgender men/women Neutral impact
Other please specify Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

The categories used in the Race section are those used in the 2011 census. Consideration should be given to the needs of specific communities within the broad categories.

Asian Neutral impact
Black Neutral impact
Chinese Neutral impact
Mixed race Neutral impact
Other please specify Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

Long term health impairment could include mental health problems, asthma, heart conditions, chronic fatigue etc.

Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

Sexual orientation

Heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, others

Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.


Older People Minor Negative impact
Younger people and children Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

Political Opinion

Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

Religious Belief

Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

Martial Status

Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.


Neutral impact

Reason: It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any sections 75 group. As application to the Landfill Community Fund programme is open and accessible to all section 75 groupings it is determined that the policy is neutral for this category. Funding Unit has implemented a new online hub and will ensure that all elements are accessible to section 75 groups. Mitigation – ensure online portal has function for help re: text size or alternative language. These procedures are part of our continuous development of the system.

Screening Questions

2. Are there opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity for people within any of the Section 75 categories?


(Women, Men, Transgender men/women , Other please specify)

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.


The categories used in the Race section are those used in the 2011 census. Consideration should be given to the needs of specific communities within the broad categories.
(Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed race, White, Other please specify)

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.


Long term health impairment could include mental health problems, asthma, heart conditions, chronic fatigue etc.

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.

Sexual orientation

Heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, others

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.


Older People, Younger people and children

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.

Political Opinion

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.

Religious Belief

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.

Marital Status

Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.


Yes. Funding road shows are provided by the Funding Unit covering an overview of the Grants policy and upcoming grant opportunities. Funding Unit officers also offer one to one support for potential applicants to the Landfill Community Fund to provide support for all section 75 equality groupings.

Screening Questions

3. To what extent is the policy likely to impact on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Section 75 Category: Religious Belief
Level of impact: None. The policy understands the need for good relations between section 75 equality categories, in order to receive grant funding, successful applicants must sign a ‘Promoting Equality and Good Relations Statement’ declaring the group will recognise and undertake to not act in any way which would contravene Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s statutory Duty with regards to the Section 75 equality categories.

Section 75 Category: Political Opinion
Level of impact: None. The policy understands the need for good relations between section 75 equality categories, in order to receive grant funding, successful applicants must sign a ‘Promoting Equality and Good Relations Statement’ declaring the group will recognise and undertake to not act in any way which would contravene Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s statutory Duty with regards to the Section 75 equality categories.

Section 75 Category: Racial Group
Level of impact: None. The policy understands the need for good relations between section 75 equality categories, in order to receive grant funding, successful applicants must sign a ‘Promoting Equality and Good Relations Statement’ declaring the group will recognise and undertake to not act in any way which would contravene Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s statutory Duty with regards to the Section 75 equality categories.

Screening Questions

4. Are there opportunities to better promote good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Religious Belief: Yes. The policy understands the need for good relations between section 75 equality categories, in order to receive grant funding, successful applicants must sign a ‘Promoting Equality and Good Relations Statement’ declaring the group will recognise and undertake to not act in any way which would contravene Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s statutory Duty with regards to Section 75 equality categories.

Political Opinion: Yes. The policy understands the need for good relations between section 75 equality categories, in order to receive grant funding, successful applicants must sign a ‘Promoting Equality and Good Relations Statement’ declaring the group will recognise and undertake to not act in any way which would contravene Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s statutory Duty with regards to Section 75 equality categories.

Racial Group: Yes. The policy understands the need for good relations between section 75 equality categories, in order to receive grant funding, successful applicants must sign a ‘Promoting Equality and Good Relations Statement’ declaring the group will recognise and undertake to not act in any way which would contravene Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s statutory Duty with regards to Section 75 equality categories.

Additional Considerations

Generally speaking people can fall into more than one Section 75 category. Taking this into consideration, are there any potential impacts of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance on people with multiple identities? (For example: disabled minority ethnic people, disabled women, young Protestant men, young lesbians, gay and bisexual people.)

No, potential impact of this policy on people with multiple identities.

Provide details of data on the impact of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance on people with multiple identities. Specify the relevant Section 75 categories concerned.


Disability Considerations

Is there an opportunity to better promote positive attitudes towards disabled people by altering this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?


Is there an opportunity to encourage participation by disabled people in public life by altering this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?


Please give further information and examples:

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council currently administer grants which specifically target participation by disabled people, equality monitoring form is issued with grants and terms of equality is outlined in the Letter of Contract.

Screening Decision

Likely Impact None

If the decision is to subject the policy to an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact – Major), please provide details of the reasons for this:

If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact = Minor) the Council should consider if the policy should be mitigated or an alternative policy be introduced:

If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact = None), please provide details of the reasons for this:

It is not envisaged that the policy will have an adverse impact with regard to any section 75 equality category as the application of the grant programmes are open and accessible to all section 75 equality categories.


When the Council concludes that the likely impact is ‘Minor’ and an equality impact assessment is not to be conducted, the Council may consider mitigation to lessen the severity of any equality impact, or the introduction of an alternative policy to better promote equality of opportunity or good relations.
Can the policy/decision be amended or changed or an alternative policy introduced to better promote equality of opportunity and/or good relations?


If YES, give the reasons to support your decision, together with the proposed changes/amendments or alternative policy:


Timetabling And Prioritising
If the policy/decision has been ‘screened in’ for equality impact assessment, then please answer the following questions to determine its priority for timetabling the equality impact assessment.
On a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the lowest priority and 3 the highest, assess the policy in terms of its priority for equality impact assessment.

Priority Criterion
Rating (1 to 3)
Effect on equality of opportunity and good relations N/A
Social Need N/A
Effect on people’s daily lives N/A
Relevance to the Council’s functions N/A

Please outline proposals for future monitoring of the policy/decision:

Reviewed Annually

Approval And Authorisation

Screened By: Funding Development Officer 29-03-2024

Approved By: Funding Unit Manager 29-03-2024