Ending Violence Against Women and Girls - The Change Fund 2025-26

The purpose of the Ending Violence against Women and Girls fund is to support, promote and develop the capacity of community voluntary groups within the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area to deliver projects to prevent and challenge the attitudes, behaviours and culture that can lead to violence against women and girls. It will deliver real change for those who suffer harm and abuse across our society every day.

Council can provide grant funding to successful community and voluntary organisations operating within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough. The minimum grant awarded will be £1,000. Please see attached guidance notes explaining the different tiers of funding available.

Please note to be eligible to apply for this funding you must have attended one of the mandatory information sessions organised by Causeway Coast and Glens Community Development team.

Please note Deadline for Submission is Friday 28th March 2025 @ 12 noon

To apply for this grant please contact The Funding Unit by emailing grants@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

Once confirmed that you have attended an information session they will send you the link to access application form.