Directory of services to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing (Northern Trust area)
Directory of services to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing (Western Trust area)
Helplines NI NI based online platform involving 35 different member helplines, offers access to a variety of confidential support services including crisis support, counselling and advice. These include charities, Advice NI, Lifeline and the Samaritans.
Family Support NI Information on a wide range of family support services in Northern Ireland.
Housing Advice NI Housing Rights helpline provides advice to members of the public on homelessness, social tenancies, renting privately, Housing Executive or housing association rent arrears. They also provide mortgage debt and repossession advice and representation at court.
Law Centre NI Free and independent legal advice and assistance in the areas of Health and Social Care; Social Security; Employment; and Immigration.
Money and Pension Service Money and pension guidance and useful money management tools and resources