If you require more information on any of the services detailed below please contact the depot in your area, their contact details are listed below:
- household bin collection days and calendars (brown/black/blue) https://causewaycoastandglens....
- purchase of black/blue/brown wheelie bins or kitchen food caddy https://causewaycoastandglens....
- bulky household waste collections (washing machine, carpets, furniture etc.)
- assisted persons bin collections
- street cleansing
- public toilets
Should you correspond via e-mail, please provide your name, address and telephone number.
Ballycastle (Moyle) Depot | 028 2076 2225 | operationsballycastle@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk |
Ballymoney Depot | 028 2766 0222 | ballymoney.depot@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk |
Coleraine Depot | 028 7034 3453 | depot.admin@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk |
Limavady Depot | 028 7776 0305 | limavady.depot@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk |
Letterloan Compost Site | 028 7034 3846 | |
Craigahulliar Landfill Site | 028 7082 2207 | |
Recycling help line | 028 2766 0248 | recycle@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk |