How to Opt Out
Each week the average household receives up to 18 pieces of junk mail, that's almost 1,000 pieces a year! Sadly most of this ends up thrown away.
An easy way for people to reduce their household waste is to say no to junk mail. Over three million trees are used each year to produce unwanted mail and there are simple steps we can all take to reduce the amount of junk mail we receive. Don’t forget, many charities use this form of communication to raise awareness as well as funds.
Five simple steps to dump the junk
Sign up to the Mailing Preference Service (MPS) to remove your name from up to 95% of direct mailing lists. Simply complete an MPS Registration Form. Visit http://www.mpsonline.org.uk/mp... call 0845 703 4599 to register.
Reduce the amount of unaddressed mail you receive, email your name and address to optout@royalmail.com. You will be sent a form to sign and return. Royal Mail will then stop delivering unaddressed items to your address within six weeks.
Put a 'No Junk Mail' sticker on your letterbox to stop up to 90% of unwanted flyers and leaflets. You can pick one up from your local library.
Write 'Return to Sender' or 'Not at this Address' to unaddressed or wrongly addressed junk mail and post back.
Tick the opt-out box on your electoral registration form when you register to vote to prevent your details being used for marketing purposes. Make sure you also choose not to receive unwanted mail when you sign up to any new product or service. Write to, or phone, organisations that you receive unwanted mail from and ask to be removed from their databases.
If all else fails, make sure you recycle junk mail in your blue bin removing any plastic packaging first.
Unwanted mail reduction advice to householders
If you have any queries or require further information on recycling services, please e-mail recycle@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or telephone 028 2766 0248