Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Good Relations team have in the past organised a Small World’s Café type events for Council staff from across a range of service areas as well as local communities.
Past events have been facilitated by members of Belfast Friendship Club. The events provided a safe space to engage with people from different backgrounds and other parts of the world.
These workshops are a great opportunity to get a glimpse into real lives of those who have grown up elsewhere, in a different culture or religious background. Participants learn more about the challenges faced by those living away from family and friends, how it felt to move to Northern Ireland and why people chose to move here.
Staff and participants see thiese very worthwhile initiatives, with feedback comments including ‘ an excellent worthwhile session’, ‘all staff should partake’ and ‘very informative and helpful for challenging racism’.
Good Relations Manager Patricia Harkin said: “We were delighted that Belfast Friendship Club were able to facilitate these sessions on behalf of the Good Relations Team. These sessions are designed to challenge the myths and misconceptions we all may have about asylum seekers, migrants and refugees. The relaxed and interactive approach enables genuine discussion and dialogue and promotes understanding of equality, good relations and rasies awareness of the rich diversity her in Nortehrn Ireland”
If you would like more information on any upcoming small worlds events being organised by our Good Relations team please contact a member of the Good Relations Team by emailing: good.relations@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk