Responsibilities and Legal Obligations
COVID-19 has increased health and safety responsibilities and legal obligations for business operators. Now, more than ever, is the time to safeguard your business by taking all reasonable steps to prevent exposure to the invisible threat of virus and its devastating consequences/impact. Information is available from a range of government departments and agencies.
Health and Safety Policy
Employers must take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their workers and anyone else affected by their business (including members of the public and contractors). This includes the risk from COVID-19. Employees must adhere to their employer’s controls - to protect themselves and others. For further information on Health and Safety policies and a completed example visit the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) website
Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments must be suitable and sufficient to address health and safety hazards including the risk from COVID-19. Please visit the HSE website for further information on Risk Assessments, templates and completed examples. A template risk assessment for COVID-19 is available at the HSENI Website.
Welfare Facilities
Workplaces must have adequate sanitary and washing facilities and a sufficient number of wash hand basins. The HSENI’s Approved Code of Practice provides further information.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Where PPE is identified by your risk assessment as an additional control, it must be suitable and appropriate. The latest government advice is available from the UK government Coronavirus (COVID-19: personal protective equipment (PPE) hub and from HSENI weblink on Personal Proective Equipment
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR)
Employers must now report cases of COVID-19 within the workforce where there is reasonable evidence that someone diagnosed with COVID-19 was likely to have been exposed due to their work activities. Further information on RIDDOR reporting is available at HSENI Reporting an Incident
Statutory Inspections (Lifting Equipment, Pressure Systems, Gas etc
Further information is available from the HSENI website
HSENI has produced specific guidance for Managing legionella during COVID-19 lockdown and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health have published guidance Legionnaires' disease:lockdown risks and reopening safely.
Contact Us
The Health and Safety team is available to deal with any queries you have by contacting us on
Tel: 028 2766 0257 or Email: