Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council is pleased to be part of the Food Standards Agency national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS).
The scheme operates in partnership with local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It provides information on food hygiene standards to help consumers choose where to eat or shop for food.
Under the scheme, food businesses are rated on a scale of ‘0 to 5’, with zero meaning ‘urgent improvement necessary’ and the top rating of five representing a ‘very good’ standard of food hygiene. Food officers from Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council carry out regular unannounced inspections of all food businesses in the Borough area and the results of these inspections inform the rating that the business receives.
Check the rating of businesses in the Causeway Coast & Glens Borough area
You can check out these ratings here
Or simply look out for the green and black window stickers displayed in food businesses.

Find out more information about the food hygiene rating scheme
Additional advice and guidance for food businesses on the scheme link
Scheme Disclaimer
The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme is not an endorsement of current standards but merely reflects the score we awarded a business at the time of their inspection. Nevertheless, we try very hard to make sure the information available on these pages is correct. The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme adheres to the Food Standards Agency’s Brand Standard.
Following an inspection it may take up to 35 days for the new rating to appear on the website.
More information on the Scheme is contained in the video below.