Reporting Accidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 places a legal duty on employers, self-employed people and people in control of premises to report certain types of work related accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to their relevant enforcing authority i.e. HSENI or local Council. The following must be reported:

  • Work related death or injury
  • Member of the public killed or taken to hospital from the work premises
  • Injuries to an employee or self-employed person resulting in being unable to do normal work for more than 3 days
  • Dangerous occurrence which do not result in a reportable injury but clearly could have
  • Notification from a doctor that an employee suffers from a specified work related disease

Click to download a free RIDDOR guidance leaflet produced by the HSE explaining these regulations or download from the HSENI website.

Download the list of reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences.

Fatal and major accidents must be reported immediately (eg. by telephone), and a completed accident report form (NI2508) should be sent to the relevant enforcing authority within ten days for all reportable accidents.

Reportable dangerous occurrences must be reported immediately (e.g. by telephone) and also followed with a completed NI2508.

Download an accident/dangerous occurrence report form.

If a doctor notifies you that your employee suffers from a reportable work-related disease then you must send a completed disease report form (NI2508A) to the enforcing authority. Download a work-related disease report form.