Council may be able to assist with certain anti-social behaviour problems in the community
A person is involved in anti-social behaviour if they cause alarm, distress or harassment to any person, not in the same household as themselves.
Anti-social behaviour disrupts the lives of many people bringing misery and despair. Whole communities can be affected by the actions of an anti-social minority and the problem is a cause of concern for residents, tenants and landlords alike.
When tackling this problem it is necessary to assess what constitutes anti-social behaviour. It can be difficult to define and can range from noisy parties to threats of violence.
The task of dealing with such problems is a multi-agency one with roles for the PSNI, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Youth Justice, local community groups and the Council.
The Environmental Services Department actively participates in the local Anti-social Behaviour Forum and is consulted when ASBO’s (Anti-Social Behaviour Orders) are to be served.
The Environmental Health Department has statutory powers to investigate complaints regarding certain forms of anti-social behaviour such as:
- neighbourhood noise including noisy parties, noisy neighbours, dog barking
- abandoned and nuisance vehicles
- litter
- drinking in public
- graffiti and fly posting
- cigarette and tobacco sales to young persons
- dog fouling
The Council also has powers under the Clean Neighbourhoods legislation to issue a Gating Order in certain areas where anti-social behaviour is a problem provided certain criteria are met. Such Orders require the physical gating of alleyways or streets where regular anti-social behaviour occurs and it is believed that an Order would reduce the incidence of such behaviour.
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Health and Built Environment
Environmental Services
Ballymoney Office
14 Charles Street
BT53 6DZ
Telephone 028 2766 0257
Email: environmentalhealth@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
Some useful links: