It is illegal to graffiti or fly post.
The illegal use of posters on buildings and streets to advertise events and premises is called fly posting. Fly posting and graffiti have a negative impact upon the look and feel of our Borough. Under The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 it is an offence for anyone to put up these posters or graffiti. We are committed to keeping our Borough free from unsightly posters and graffiti and for that purpose we are able to:
Prosecute any business owner who is responsible for any fly posting (The maximum fine in Court for this offence is £2,500)
Prosecute any individual responsible for fly posting or graffiti (The maximum fine in Court for this offence is £2,500)
Issue a Fixed Penalty Notice fine of £80 on any individual responsible for fly posting or graffiti.
Issue Removal Notices to persons responsible for fly posting or graffiti requiring them to remove the posters or graffiti within two days. If this notice is not complied with Council can carry out the removal and charge that person.
Issue Defacement Removal Notices which require owners of buildings or relevant structures to remove any unsightly posters or graffiti.
All incidents of fly posting or graffiti will be investigated under Council's Enforcement Policy.
If you require any further assistance please contact:
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Health and Built Environment
Environmental Services
Ballymoney Office
14 Charles Street
BT53 6DZ
Telephone 028 2766 0257
Email: environmentalhealth@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk