Council can restrict access to alleyways where anti social behaviour is present.
Anti-social behaviour can have a serious negative impact upon a neighbourhood. If Council is satisfied that anti-social behaviour is affecting residents it will consider using powers to make Gating Orders which restrict public access to streets and alleys by the installation of gates.
Before any such Gating Order could be made there must be a public consultation with residents and approval given by Transport NI. If the gates are no longer thought to be required these orders may be lifted and the gates removed
Gating Orders are made under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011. For further assistance please contact:
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Health and Built Environment
Environmental Services
Ballymoney Office
14 Charles Street
BT53 6DZ
Telephone 028 2766 0257
Email: environmentalhealth@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk