Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has adopted the Green Dog Walkers Scheme.
This is a national scheme aimed to tackle the ongoing problem of dog fouling. Dog fouling is anti-social and can present a health hazard.
This initiative is designed to encourage responsible dog ownership and help reduce the incidence of dog fouling. Many Councils throughout the UK have signed up to and implemented this scheme.
Dog owners will be able to sign up for free where they will be given practicle help to be responsible dog owners including branded dog leads, dog collars and poo bags.
It aims to promote the message that dog foul should be lifted and properly disposed of and that everyone should have proper control of their dogs at all times.
Dog owners are also encouraged to be ambassadors by promoting the initiative and distributing spare poo bags to other dog owners that don't have any when they are out and about with their dogs.
Here's what you will receive if you join up:
- A Green Dog Walker lead and collar to keep your dog under control and help promote the message of responsible dog ownership.
- A handy little keyring Green Dog Walker torch to help you find that poo when it is dark.
- Appoximately 50 Green Dog Walker poo bags to help you removed your dogs foul. You can also give spare ones to any other dog walkers you meet who don't have any.
If you would like to become a Green Dog Walker simply email your name and address to greendogwalker@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk and we will post you out your free goodies.
Due to the volume of interest and the ongoing restrictions on our workplaces due to the pandemic, we may not get all the packs out as quickly as we would like. Your patience would be appreciated.
Contact Us
If you would like further information, please contact us at Ballymoney Office, Riada House, 14 Charles Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6DZ.