You will require a Petroleum Licence if you keep more than 14 litres (3 gallons) of Petroleum Spirit; other than for your own use for your own vehicle you can keep 2 x 9 litre (2 x 2 gallons) in metal containers.
If you store petroleum you must be licensed by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.
You must comply with any conditions attached to a licence.
Licences are not required for any petrol kept for private use or for sale that is not more than 570 millilitres per container or totals less than 15 litres.
Rates of fees payable in respect of licences to keep petroleum are:
Quantity | Fee £ |
Not exceeding 2,500 litres | £42.00 per year |
Exceeding 2,500 litres but not exceeding 50,000 | £58.00 per year |
Exceeding 50,000 litres | £120.00 per year |
Transfer of a Licence is £8.00.
Required Documentation
When submitting an application the following documentation is required under the Petroleum Consolidation Act (NI) 1929:
- Site location map to a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 indicating all site boundaries.
- Two copies of site layout to scale 1:100 clearly indicating the present layout of complete Filling Station or Petrol Storage Depot.
The layout plan must show the following:
- Location of storage tanks and tank capacities.
- Position of fill points and their identification.
- Location of pipework including all vent pipes etc.
- Location of metering pumps, dispensers etc.
- All site drainage and its discharge location.
- Petrol interceptor location and drainage discharge point.
- All other buildings within the site and their use.
- All neighbouring buildings within 6m from the boundary.
- Position of L.P.G. storage, if applicable.
- Location of car wash and drainage if applicable.
- Main electrical intake point and distribution board.
- Position of all fire fighting appliances.
After this initial submission of plans it will not be necessary to submit further copies unless alterations/extensions or new tank installations are proposed. It will then be necessary to notify Council of the proposed changes and new plans may be required.
The following certificates are required when submitting an application under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Act (NI) 1929:
1. Fire Fighting Appliances Service Certificate
A service certificate must state the number of appliances serviced, type of appliance, date of service and location of appliance. This certificate must be from a competent service agent and be in the form of headed notepaper stating the
service agents business and address. This certificate will be required to be submitted annually.
2. Electrical Inspection and Test Certificate
All inspections/testing and accompanying certificates must be completed by the following approved bodies:
a. An NICEIC registered approved electrical contractor.
b. A member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers (MIEE).
c. A registered member of the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA).
NB: Any certificates submitted by electrical contractors approved by the NICEIC must be signed by the owner/manager/partner and endorsed with the firms stamp or accompanied by a letter on the firms headed paper.
An electrical certificates submitted to Council must be clear and devoid of faults unless previously agreed by Council.
3. Tank and Delivery Pipework Test Certificate
Initially this test certificate must be submitted. Thereafter a certificate will be required every 10 years.
However should the present tanks, pipeworks etc be of an age 20 years or older, then a test certificate must be submitted every 5 years or as may be deemed necessary by Council.
All certificates must be from an approved firm/agent experienced and competent in carrying out such tests.
Eligibility Criteria
No provision in legislation.
Regulation Summary
- Petroleum (Consolidation) Acts (Northern Ireland) 1929 and 1937
- The Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (NI) 2002 (DSEAR)
- Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland
Application Evaluation Process
Inspection of the premise, payment of the fee and submission of all documents will take place before the application can be approved.
Will Tacit Consent Apply?
No. It is in the public interest that Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council within 20 days, please contact us.
Apply Online
- Application for a petroleum storage licence
- Application to change a petroleum storage licence
- Application to transfer a petroleum storage licence
- Application to renew a petroleum storage licence
Forms to Download, Print and Post
Contact Details
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Environmental Services Department
Ballymoney Office
Riada House
14 Charles Street
BT53 6DZ
Tel: 028 2766 0233
Email: environmentalservices@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
Failed Application Redress
Please contact Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in the first instance.
If an application is refused the applicant may request a certificate from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council detailing the grounds for refusal. Appeals may be made, in writing within 10 days of receipt of the certificate to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland.
Licence Holder Redress
Please contact Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in the first instance.
If an application is granted but conditions are attached a licence holder may request a certificate from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council detailing the reasons for the conditions. Appeals may be made, in writing within 10 days of receipt of the certificate to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland.
Consumer Complaint
We would advise that in the event of a complaint, the first contact is made with the trader by you – preferably in the form of a letter (with proof of deliver).
If that has not worked, if you are located in the UK: Consumer Direct will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the: European Consumer Centre.
Other Redress
Any complaints about e.g. noise, pollution, etc. or if one licence holder complains about another should be made directly to the Environmental Services Department on 028 2766 0233 or by emailing environmentalservices@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk.
Contact Us
If you would like further information, please contact us at Ballymoney Office, Riada House, 14 Charles Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6DZ.