Access to Education:
The Education Authority is responsible for ensuring that efficient and effective primary and secondary education services are available to meet the needs of children and young people, and support for the provision of efficient and effective youth services.
They help with all aspects of your child's journey through education from admission to pre-school, getting transport to school, changing schools, to moving through primary and post-primary.
They are also here to help with newcomer issues, special educational needs and provide support whenever you or your child needs it.
Education Authority Asylum Seeker and Refugee (ASR) Support Team provides advice, guidance and support to schools and to parents and pupils from the Asylum-seeking and Refugee community.
Click here for more information on Education Authority.
English For Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL):
If English is not your first language and you want to improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, there are accredited courses and conversational classes at different levels available.
The courses are called ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and can be found at the below locations.
Northern Regional College (Coleraine & Ballymoney)
North West Regional College (Limavady)
There are more free English language classes available through different commuinity organisations:
BCRC / Building Communities Resource Centre
Further Study:
Refugee Study provides an information portal for refugees and asylum seekers who want to study in the United Kingdom. It provides information about grants, scholarships, bursaries and free courses, with links to relevant funding organisations.
Refugee Education UK - information about university scolarships for Asylum Seekers.
Ecctis - information about conversion pathways for equivalency to existing qualifications.