National & Local Support Services

(please note this is a small sample, not the full list, of support services available)

Asylum / Refuge Support

Migrant Help National charity that provides help with applying for accommodation and financial support, to report issues with asylum accommodation, and any other advice needed during the asylum journey.

Bryson Care Asylum Support Service provides asylum seekers with information and support for claiming asylum in Northern Ireland.

The Red Cross offers direct support for asylum seekers and refugees through emergency help, one-to-one support and casework, special services for children and families, and family reunions.

Law Centre NI Free and independent legal advice and assistance in the areas of Health and Social Care; Social Security; Employment; and Immigration.

Getting Connected

Welcome Churches Network A network of churches around the UK who are committed to supporting refugees. Find a church map is available on the weblink.

Find Your Welcome A detailed guide on what services are available and how to access settlement support including information on education, employment, housing, health, finances etc

Building Communities Resource Centre (BCRC) Ethnic Communities Support project assists people from Ethnic communities throughout the Causeway Coast and Glens.

Practical Support

Vineyard Compassion charity supports with food, essentials, clothing, counselling, housing and more.

Foodbanks can support with emergency food parcels.

Reach Portrush offer warm spaces, food, community support and social activities.

For a full list of well-being support organisations click here. There are a range of organisations providing family support services, mental health and well-being support, support for older people and anyone who is vulnerable in Causeway Coast and Glens.