On receipt of a valid planning application the application will go through the following stages:
- Application validated or returned invalid
- Statutory consultees consulted and non-statutory consultees consulted as considered necessary by planning officer
- Publication and Notification – advertisement placed in a local newspaper and/or neighbours notified
- Representations of support/objection received
- Site inspected
- Planning report prepared
- Report considered by Development Management group
- Opinion formed.
- Decision Notice prepared, signed and issued
- Those who made representations notified of the decision
At any stage between steps 1 and 8, the applicant/agent or a third party who submitted a representation may request one meeting with either the Senior Planning Officer or the Principal Planning Officer to discuss the proposed development. It is the decision of the applicant/agent/third party to decide who accompanies them at the meeting, for example, an elected representative.
Applicants have a duty to provide safe access/egress to sites, including the removal/securing of domestic/farm animals.
You can view a planning decision on:
- the Planning Portal via Public Register
- Planning Office
- Council website