The determination of planning applications will either be made by the Planning Committee or delegated to Council Planning Officers. The type, size and complexity of the application will determine how the decision is made and this is set out in the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. All major applications and applications submitted on or on behalf of the Council or where the Council has an estate in the land, must be determined by the Planning Committee. Only local applications can be delegated to the Council’s Planning Officers.

Following determination of the application we will issue a formal decision notice that states whether planning permission has been granted or refused. Should you wish to check the validity of a planning decision, view the decision notice or approved/refused drawings you can do so via:

  • the Planning Portal via Public Register (The decision notice and drawings can be found under the "Planning Decision and Reports" tab)
  • Planning Office

You can also view the minutes of the Planning Committee on the Council website after they have been agreed by the Committee.